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1880 Democratic National Convention

The 1880 Democratic National Convention was held June 22 to 24, 1880, at the Music Hall in Cincinnati, Ohio, and nominated Winfield S. Hancock of Pennsylvania for president and William H. English of Indiana for vice president in the United States presidential election of 1880.


June 22–24, 1880

Six men were officially candidates for nomination at the convention, and several more also received votes. Of these, the two leading candidates were Hancock and Thomas F. Bayard of Delaware. Not officially a candidate, but wielding a heavy influence over the convention, was the Democratic nominee from 1876, Samuel J. Tilden of New York. Many Democrats believed Tilden to have been unjustly deprived of the presidency in 1876 and hoped to rally around him in the 1880 campaign. Tilden, however, was ambiguous about his willingness to participate in another campaign, leading some delegates to defect to other candidates, while others stayed loyal to their old standard-bearer.

As the convention opened, some delegates favored Bayard, a conservative Senator, and some others supported Hancock, a career soldier and Civil War hero. Still others flocked to men they saw as surrogates for Tilden, including Henry B. Payne of Ohio, an attorney and former representative, and Samuel J. Randall of Pennsylvania, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. The first round of balloting was inconclusive. Before the second round, Tilden's withdrawal from the campaign became known for certain and delegates flocked to Hancock, who was nominated. English, a conservative politician from a swing state, was nominated for vice president. Hancock and English were narrowly defeated in the race against Republicans James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur that autumn.

1st Presidential Ballot
Before Shifts

1st Presidential Ballot Before Shifts

1st Presidential Ballot
After Shifts

1st Presidential Ballot After Shifts

2nd Presidential Ballot
Before Shifts

2nd Presidential Ballot Before Shifts

2nd Presidential Ballot
After Shifts

2nd Presidential Ballot After Shifts

History of the United States Democratic Party

United States presidential nominating convention

Winfield Scott Hancock 1880 presidential campaign

List of Democratic National Conventions

1880 Republican National Convention

1880 United States presidential election

Chester, Edward W A guide to political platforms (1977) pp 105–108



Primary sources


The American Presidency Project.

Democratic Party Platform of 1880