's Brixton disorders 10–12 April 1981 : report of an enquiry is published.[21][22]
Leslie George Scarman
's and François Bourricaud's Dictionnaire critique de la sociologie is published.[26][27]
Raymond Boudon
's Political Process and the Development of the Black Insurgency 1930-1970 is published.[36][37]
Doug McAdam
's & Charles Sabel's Second industrial divide: possibilities for prosperity is published.[79][80]
Michael Piore
The European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences gives its first award to for his Society of Individuals.[123]
Norbert Elias
's The Time of the Tribes: The Decline of Individualism in Mass Society is published.[131]
Michel Maffesoli
's La machine à faire des dieux is published and wins the European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences.[134][135][136]
Serge Moscovici
's Society and terrorism is published and wins the Bulzoni Editore Special Award.[139][140][141]
Michel Wieviorka
's Modernity and the Holocaust is published and wins the European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences.[143][144][145]