's Crisis in sociology : problems of sociological epistemology is published.[1][2]

Raymond Boudon

's Overshoot is published.[3][4]

William Catton

's Power/Knowledge is published.[5][6]

Michel Foucault

's Authority is published.[7][8]

Richard Sennett

's The Modern World-System (volume 2): Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600-1750[9][10]

Immanuel Wallerstein

's Logic of social action : an introduction to sociological analysis is published.[11][12]

Raymond Boudon

's Crisis in the third world is published.[13][14]

Andre Gunder Frank

's Forms of Talk is published.[15][16]

Erving Goffman

's The Theory of Communicative Action is published.[17][18]

Jürgen Habermas

's The Right of Welfare and Other Essays is published.[19][20]

Thomas Humphrey Marshall

's La Voix et le Regard is published.[23][24]

Alain Touraine

establishes the Centre d'Analyses et d'Interventions Sociologique (CADIS)[25]

Michel Wieviorka

's and François Bourricaud's Dictionnaire critique de la sociologie is published.[26][27]

Raymond Boudon

' The Empire Strikes Back: Race and Racism in 70s Britain is published.[28][29]

Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies

's Trade unions: the logic of collective action is published.[30][31]

Colin Crouch

's Dynamics of the Global Crisis is published.[32][33]

Andre Gunder Frank

's Social Anthropology is published.[34][35]

Edmund Leach

's Capitalist Democracy in Britain is published.[38][39]

Ralph Miliband

's Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics is published.[40][41]

Karl Popper

' Dream Worlds is published.[42][43]

Rosalind H. Williams

serves as president of the American Sociological Association.[44]

Erving Goffman

's Imagined Communities is published.[45][46]

Benedict Anderson

's Clausewitz is published.[47][48]

Raymond Aron

's Nations and Nationalism is published.[49][50]

Ernest Gellner

's Representing and Intervening is published.[51][52]

Ian Hacking

's and Merrill B. Hintikka's (eds.) Discovering Reality is published.[53][54]

Sandra Harding

's The Social Relations of Physics, Mysticism, and Mathematics is published[55][56]

Sal Restivo

's The Reconstruction of Patriotism is published.[57][58]

Morris Janowitz

's The Differend is published.[59][60]

Jean-François Lyotard

's Class, Power and State Power is published.[61][62]

Ralph Miliband

's La communauté désoeuvrée is published.[63][64]

Jean-Luc Nancy

's L'Impératif catégorique is published.[65][66]

Jean-Luc Nancy

's Solidarity: The Analysis of a Social Movement is published.[67][68]

Alain Touraine

's Social scientist as innovator is published.[69][70]

Michael Young

serves as president of the ASA.[71]

Alice S. Rossi

' The Constitution of Society[73][74]

Anthony Giddens

's The Minimal Self is published.[75][76]

Christopher Lasch

's & Charles Sabel's Second industrial divide: possibilities for prosperity is published.[79][80]

Michael Piore

' The Elementary Forms of the New Religious Life is published.[81][82]

Roy Wallis

's Becoming Adult in a Changing Society is published.[83][84]

James S. Coleman

's The Psychoanalytic Movement is published.[85][86]

Ernest Gellner

's Consciousness and the Urban Experience is published.[87][88]

David Harvey

's Shadow of Dionysus is published.[89][90]

Michel Maffesoli

's Amusing Ourselves to Death is published.[91][92]

Neil Postman

' Sexuality and its Discontents is published.[93][94]

Jeffrey Weeks

's Pricing the Priceless Child: The Changing Social Value of Children is published.[95][96]

Viviana Zelizer

's America is published.[97][98]

Jean Baudrillard

's Risk Society is published.[99][100]

Ulrich Beck

's Theories of social change : a critical appraisal is published.[101][102]

Raymond Boudon

and others' Small Towns in China: Functions, Problems & Prospects is published.[103][104]

Fei Xiaotong

's Human Ecology is published.[105][106]

Amos Hawley

' Concepts of Health and Illness in a Sepik Society is published.[107][108]

Gilbert Lewis

's Sources of Social Power (volume 1) is published.[109][110]

Michael Mann

's Public and Private High Schools is published.[111][112]

James Coleman

's Feminism and Methodology is published.[113][114]

Sandra Harding

's and Jean F O'Barr's Sex and Scientific Inquiry is published.[115][116]

Sandra Harding

' Certainties and Doubts is published.[117][118]

George Homans

's Ain't No Black in The Union Jack is published.[119][120]

Paul Gilroy

's and John Urry's The End of organized capitalism is published.[121][122]

Scott Lash

The European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences gives its first award to for his Society of Individuals.[123]

Norbert Elias

's Science as Power is published.[124][125]

Stanley Aronowitz

's A Secure Base is published.[126]

John Bowlby

's and Richard Cloward's Why Americans Don't Vote is published.[127][128]

Frances Fox Piven

' Doing the Business is published.[129][130]

Dick Hobbs

's For freedom and dignity : historical agency and class structures in the coalfields of NSW is published.[132][133]

Andrew W. Metcalfe

's La machine à faire des dieux is published and wins the European Amalfi Prize for Sociology and Social Sciences.[134][135][136]

Serge Moscovici

's and Michael Young's [ed.] Rhythms of society is published.[137][138]

Tom Schuller

's Society and terrorism is published and wins the Bulzoni Editore Special Award.[139][140][141]

Michel Wieviorka

serves as president of the American Sociological Association.[142]

Herbert J. Gans

's and Robert Brym's (ed.) The Capitalist Class is published.[146][147]

Thomas Bottomore

's Analysis of ideology is published.[148][149]

Raymond Boudon

's Class Struggle in Contemporary Capitalism is published.[150][151]

Ralph Miliband

's The Modern World-System (all volumes) are published.[152][153]

Immanuel Wallerstein

serves as president of the ASA.[154]

Joan Huber