Katana VentraIP

2006 Canadian census

The 2006 Canadian census was a detailed enumeration of the Canadian population. Census day was May 16, 2006. The following census was the 2011 census. Canada's total population enumerated by the 2006 census was 31,612,897. This count was lower than the official July 1, 2006 population estimate of 32,623,490 people.[1] The previous census was the 2001 census and the following census was in 2011 census.

2006 Canadian census


31,612,897 (Increase 5.4%)

Ontario (12,160,282)

Nunavut (29,474)

Education. Where did individuals receive their highest level of education? (Only on extended questionnaire)

Income. Permission to use income information from an individual's income tax file. Income from child benefits. Income tax paid. (Also only on extended questionnaire)

Access to personal information. Permission to make information public in 92 years.


In contrast to 1996 focus-groups that found it important to know the legal requirement at the outset, participants of 2005 focus-groups were annoyed or provoked by draft ads reminding Canadians about the census law. As a result of the finding, Statistics Canada's initial newspaper, radio and TV ads avoided mention of the legal requirement. Instead, reference to the census law was highlighted only in ads appearing after census day, to capture late filers.

To encourage participation, Statistics Canada set aside $13 million for "saturation" advertising, including billboards, bookmarks, inserts in municipal tax bills, and ads on bags of sugar and milk cartons.[28]


Statistics Canada reports less than 20% of the work will be outsourced, spending $85 million over 5 years. Despite an open public tender process, controversy arose on the announcement of a $43.3 million deal awarded to Lockheed Martin Canada—a subsidiary of Lockheed Martin, the world's largest defense contractor by defense revenue—for the purchase of scanning and printing software and hardware.[29]

English: orange

French: yellow

A variety of forms were available in both official languages, varying in length, colour, and recipient's location.[30]

Most households (80%) received the short form (2A):

One in five received the long form (2B):

Federal and provincial employees and their families working in embassies and National Defence bases abroad (2C):

In the three northern territories and on Aboriginal communities and settlements (2D):

Census of Agriculture (6):

Question 6: Relationship. Couples in same-sex marriages were offended by and/or objected to Statistics Canada's instruction that they use the write-in field "Other" instead of checking the "husband or wife" box.

Question 16: Mother tongue. An anonymous email misinformation campaign advised bilingual francophones to not mention their knowledge of English.

Question 53: Election to release census data after 92 years. Genealogists worried that future research will be hampered if Canadians didn't check this box.


Special interest groups criticised Statistics Canada over the design of questions, accuracy, and the future of the census data:[31]

In addition, Statistics Canada's online questionnaire had been criticized over accessibility issues:[35]

The quality of data was further hampered by individuals who advocated minimal cooperation or non-cooperation, in protest to the outsourcing contract awarded to Lockheed Martin.[37] Many people believed that Lockheed Martin would have access to their information, and that the US government could then access that information through the USA PATRIOT Act. However, despite assurances to the contrary (i.e., only Statistics Canada employees would and could handle, store, and access the information), some people refused to participate fully in the census.

The release of data was postponed to numerous issues during enumeration.[2] These included:

As a result, the first release of data from the census, originally scheduled for release on February 13, 2007, was delayed to March 13, 2007.[2]

2011 Canadian census

Demographics of Canada

Statistics Act

- Statistics Canada's page on the 2006 census

2006 Census by topics and regions

Archived September 16, 2020, at the Wayback Machine

Census 2006 - 2A (Short Form)

Archived February 13, 2018, at the Wayback Machine

Census 2006 - 2B (Long Form)