ABC Kids (TV programming block)
ABC Kids (originally titled Disney's One Saturday Morning until 2002) was an American Saturday morning children's programming block that aired on ABC from September 13, 1997 to August 27, 2011. It featured a mixture of animated and live-action series from Walt Disney Television Animation and Disney Channel, aimed at children between the ages of 6 and 14.[1] This was the only time Disney Channel content aired on over-the-air television in the United States.
For the Australian children's television channel, see ABC Kids (Australia).Network
September 13, 1997
August 27, 2011
Disney's One Saturday Morning (1997–2002)
Defunct Saturday morning children's program block
- 5 hours (1997–2004)
- 4 hours (2004–2010)
- 3 hours (2010–2011)
The block regularly aired on Saturday mornings, though certain programs within the lineup aired on Sundays in some parts of the country due to station preferences for non-educational programming or scheduling issues with regional or network sports broadcasts.
After five years of mainly repeats of programs introduced onto the block prior to the 2007–08 season, ABC decided it would cease to provide children's programming during the Saturday morning timeslot, and entered into an agreement with Litton Entertainment to program that period;[2][3] the block that resulted from this deal – Litton's Weekend Adventure, which is structured as a syndication package distributed with virtual exclusivity to ABC's owned-and-operated stations and affiliates – replaced ABC Kids on September 3, 2011.[4]