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Aeolian mode

The Aeolian mode is a musical mode or, in modern usage, a diatonic scale also called the natural minor scale. On the piano, using only the white keys, it is the scale that starts with A and continues to the next A only striking white keys. Its ascending interval form consists of a key note, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step. That means that, in A aeolian (or A minor), you would play A, move up a whole step (two piano keys) to B, move up a half step (one piano key) to C, then up a whole step to D, a whole step to E, a half step to F, a whole step to G, and a final whole step to a high A.

– "God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen"


– "Losing My Religion"[12]


– "In the Air Tonight"

Phil Collins

– "Blackbird"

Alter Bridge

– "Isn't It Midnight"

Fleetwood Mac

– "Shine on you Crazy Diamond"

Pink Floyd

– "White Flag"


– "Street Spirit"


– "Californication"

Red Hot Chili Peppers

The Aeolian mode is identical with the natural minor scale. Thus, it is ubiquitous in minor-key music. The following is a list of some examples that are distinguishable from ordinary minor tonality, which also uses the melodic minor scale and the harmonic minor scale as required.

(or mode mixture)

Borrowed chord

Relative minor

Minor scale

the equivalent scale (thaat) in Hindustani music


the equivalent scale (melakarta) in Carnatic music


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Aeolian mode for guitar

Aeolian Mode at Guitar Roadmap