


Abu Bakar Bashir

- member of the executive committee of Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia. Author of Hijrah dan Jihad. Arrested in January 1979 in connection with "Terror Warman", served three years, arrested again in connection with bombings in East Java and Borobodur, in 1985.[7]

Abdul Qadir Baraja

(aka Abdurahim bin Toyib) - A former teacher who was sentenced to Nine years in prison in February 2009 for aiding and abetting JI military commander Abu Dujana.[8]

Abdurrahim Thayib

Teachers at the school have included:

Among the school's graduates are:[3]

Connected to the 2002 Bali bombing which killed 202 people.

Connected to the 2003 Marriott Hotel bombing which killed 12 people and wounded 150 plus.

Connected to the 2009 Jakarta bombings was;

The case of the "Nugruki Network"

International Crisis Group

"Terrorism in Indonesia: Noordins Networks"

Ng Boon Yian

"Combating JI in Indonesia"

Jemaah Islamiyah Shown to Have Significant Ties to al Qaeda

Learning by Doing:Al Qaeda's Allies in Southeast Asia

Terrorism Perpetrated and Terrorists Apprehended

International Crisis Group

"How Jemaah Islamiah operates"