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Anne Oldfield

Anne Oldfield (1683 – 23 October 1730) was an English actress and one of the highest paid actresses of her time.[1]

Anne Oldfield


London, England

23 October 1730(1730-10-23) (aged 47)

Grosvenor Street, London, England


Arthur Maynwaring
Charles Churchill

  • James Oldfield (father)

Early life and discovery[edit]

She was born in London in 1683. Her father was a soldier, James Oldfield. Her mother was either Anne[2] or Elizabeth Blanchard.[3] Her grandfather owned a tavern and left her father several properties, he however mortgaged these which resulted in Anne and her mother being placed in financial difficulty when he died young.[2] It appears that Oldfield received some education because her biographers state that she read widely in her youth. Oldfield and her mother went to live with her aunt, Mrs Voss, in the Mitre tavern, St James.[4] In 1699, she attracted George Farquhar's attention when he overheard her reciting lines from Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher's play The Scornful Lady (1616) in a back room of her tavern. Soon after, she was hired by Christopher Rich to join the cast of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.[5]

Personal life[edit]

Oldfield began a decade-long relationship with Whig politician Arthur Maynwaring around 1700. Owing to her success, Oldfield remained financially independent from Maynwaring.[11] He supported her career by helping her work through new roles and by writing more than a dozen prologues and epilogues for her to perform.[12] When she became pregnant with their son, Arthur.[13] Oldfield kept acting until she was physically unable, which was unusual for the time. She went back to work just three months after the birth.[14] Oldfield arranged for her lifelong friend, Margaret Saunders, to join the acting profession.[15]

When Maynwaring died in 1712, rumours circulated that he had died from a venereal disease that Oldfield had given to him. In order to clear both their names, she ordered an official autopsy to be performed on his body, which revealed that he had died of tuberculosis.[16] Oldfield was three months pregnant at the time, but her child is not believed to have survived the birth.[12]

Several years after Maynwaring's death, Oldfield began a relationship with Charles Churchill. The two lived together for many years and had a son, Charles. However, during this pregnancy, Oldfield was unable to continue acting due to her health, and was forced to leave the theatre for several months. She never fully recovered her health.[17]

Throughout her last theatrical season she suffered from chronic pain in her abdomen. She retired from the stage in April 1730 and died from cancer of the uterus a few months later.[18]

Oldfield died on 23 October 1730 at age 47, at 60 Grosvenor Street, London.[19] She divided her property between her two sons. Oldfield was buried in Westminster Abbey, beneath the monument to Congreve. Her partner, Churchill, applied for permission to erect a monument there to her memory, but the dean of Westminster refused it.[8][20]

1699, Candiope by John Dryden.[21]

The Maiden Queen

1700, Alinda - by John Fletcher.[1]

The Pilgrim

1701, Anne by Catharine Trotter

The Unhappy Penitent

1701, Cimene by Bevil Higgons

The Generous Conqueror

1701, Helen by Elkanah Settle

The Virgin Prophetess

1702, Camilla by William Burnaby

The Modish Husband

1702, Jacinta by John Vanbrugh

The False Friend

1703, Lucia by Richard Estcourt

The Fair Example

1703, Victoria by Richard Steele

The Lying Lover

1703, Belliza by Susanna Centlivre

Love's Contrivance

1703, Lucia by Thomas d'Urfey

The Old Mode and the New

1704, Lady Modish by Colley Cibber.[1]

The Careless Husband

1705, Arabella by Thomas Baker

Hampstead Heath

1706, Silvia by George Farquhar

The Recruiting Officer

1706, Celia by Ben Jonson.[22]


1706, Isabella by Susanna Centlivre

The Platonick Lady

1707, Lady Dainty by Colley Cibber

The Double Gallant

1707, Ethelinda by Nicholas Rowe

The Royal Convert

1707, A Silent Woman by Ben Jonson.[22]


1707, Florimel - by John Dryden.[23]

Marriage A La Mode

1708, Lady Rodomont by Thomas Baker

The Fine Lady's Airs

1708, Semandra by Nathaniel Lee

Mithridates, King of Pontus

1709, Rutland by John Banks.[23]

The Unhappy Favourite

1709, Leonara by John Crowne.[23]

Sir Courtly Nice

1709, Carolina - by Thomas Shadwell.[23]

Epsom Wells

1709, ElviraThe Spanish Fryer, or The Double Discovery by unknown.


1709, Narcissa by Colley Cibber.[23]

Love's Last Shift

1709, Luncinda by Colley Cibber

The Rival Fools

1709, MariaThe Fortune Hunters, or Two Fools Well Met by James Carlile.


1709, Lady Lurewell, or A Trip to the Jubilee by George Farquhar.[23]

The Constant Couple

1709, Hellena, or The Banish'd Cavilier by Aphra Behn.[23]

The Rover

1709, Estifania by John Fletcher.[23]

Rule A Wife and Have A Wife

1709, Mrs Sullen - by George Farquhar.[23]

The Beaux' Stratagem

1709, Widow- by John Fletcher.[23]

Wit Without Money

1709, Wanton WifeThe Wanton Wife by .[23]

Thomas Betterton

1709, Constantina- by John Fletcher.[23]

The Chances

1709, Belinda by Susanna Centlivre.[23]

The Man's Bewitched

1711, Arabella by Charles Johnson

The Wife's Relief

1712, AndromacheDistrest Mother by .[24]

Ambrose Philips

1713, Marcia - by Joseph Addison.[25]


1714, Eriphile by Charles Johnson

The Victim

1714, 'Jane Shore by Nicholas Rowe

Jane Shore

1715, Lady Jane Grey by Nicholas Rowe

Lady Jane Grey

1716, Lady Trueman by Joseph Addison

The Drummer

1716, Leonora by Susanna Centlivre

The Cruel Gift

1717, Atalida by Charles Johnson

The Sultaness

1717, Maria by Colley Cibber

The Non-Juror

1717, Rosalinda by Delarivier Manley


1717, Mrs Townley by John Gay

Three Hours After Marriage

1719, Celona by Thomas Southerne

The Spartan Dame

1719, Sophronia by Charles Johnson

The Masquerade

1719, Mandane by Edward Young

Busiris, King of Egypt

1721, Sophronia by Colley Cibber

The Refusal

1722, Mrs Watchit by Susanna Centlivre

The Artifice

1722, Indiana by Richard Steele

The Conscious Lovers

1723, Margaret by Ambrose Philips

Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester

1724, Cylene by John Gay

The Captives

1724, Cleopatra by Colley Cibber[3]

Caesar in Egypt

1727, Amoret by James Moore Smythe

The Rival Modes

1728, Lady Townly by Colley Cibber][1]

The Provoked Husband

1728, Lady Matchless by Henry Fielding

Love in Several Masques

1730, Clarinda by James Miller

The Humours of Oxford

1730, Sophonisba in by James Thomson[3]


. Dictionary of National Biography. London: Smith, Elder & Co. 1885–1900.

"Oldfield, Anne" 

Anonymous. Authentick Memoirs of the Life of that Celebrated Actress, Mrs. Ann Oldfield, Containing a Genuine Account of Her Transactions from Her Infancy to the Time of Her Decease, 4th edition. London: no publisher, 1730.

Egerton, William. Faithful Memoirs of the Life, Amours and Performances of that justly Celebrated, and most Eminent Actress of her Time, Mrs. Anne Oldfield. Interspersed with Several Other Dramatic Memoirs. London: no publisher, 1731.

Engel, Laura and Elaine M. McGirr, eds. Stage Mothers: Women, Work, and the Theater, 1660–1830. Lenham, Maryland: Bucknell University Press, 2014.

Gore-Browne, Robert. Gay was the Pit: the Life and Times of Anne Oldfield, Actress (1683–1730). London: Max Reinhardt, 1957.

Hays, Mary. "Mrs. Oldfield". Female Biography; or Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women of all Ages and Countries (6 volumes). London: R. Phillips, 1803, vol. 6, 28–31.

Lafler, Joanne. The Celebrated Mrs. Oldfield: the Life and Art of an Augustan Actress. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press, 1989.

Melville, Lewis. Stage Favourites of the Eighteenth Century. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday Doran & Company, Inc., 1929.

McGirr, Elaine. Eighteenth Century Characters : a Guide to the Literature of The Age. Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.

Nussbaum, Felicity. Rival Queens: Actresses, Performance, and the Eighteenth-Century British Theater. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010.

Parsons, Nicola. "Mrs. Oldfield." Mary Hays, Female Biography; or, Memoirs of Illustrious and Celebrated Women, of All Ages and Countries (1803). Chawton House Library Series: Women’s Memoirs, ed. Gina Luria Walker, Memoirs of Women Writers Part III. Pickering & Chatto: London, 2013, vol. 10, 30–3, editorial notes, 548–51.

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Ritchie, Fiona. Women and Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.