Annoying Orange
Annoying Orange is an American live-action/animated comedy web series created by Dane Boedigheimer (known online as DaneBoe). The series follows an anthropomorphic orange who annoys fruits, vegetables, and various other objects by telling crude jokes and puns until their demise. In addition, the show satirizes and parodies pop culture with a touch of off-color, surreal and gross-out humor.
This article is about the online series. For other uses associated with the title "Annoying Orange", see Annoying Orange (disambiguation).Annoying Orange
Spencer Grove
Dane Boedigheimer
Bob Jennings
Sara Christensen
Dane Boedigheimer
Bob Jennings
Dane Boedigheimer
Dane Boedigheimer
Bob Jennings (2010–2021)
Kevin Brueck
Aaron Massey
Jess Lizama
Jon Bailey (2021–present)
Various guest stars
Dane Boedigheimer
Dane Boedigheimer
Kevin MacLeod
United States
788 (list of episodes)
Dane Boedigheimer
Aaron Massey
Kevin Nalty
Daneboe Productions
The Collective (2009–2016)
Annoying Orange, Inc. (2012–present)
YouTube Studio
October 9, 2009
The show became popular with viewers, leading to three video games, a range of adult toys, backpacks, couches, pillows, blankets, lunch boxes, drink bottles, mattresses, towels, plushies and a T-shirt line. Other accessories, such as costumes of the series characters, have also appeared on the market. Despite the popularity of the series, the show received negative review by critics due to the main character as well as its humor.
The original web series has also expanded to multiple separate series, such as The Adventures of Liam The Leprechaun, The Misfortune of Being Ned, The Marshmallow Show, Shocktober, the television series The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange, and various secondary YouTube channels featuring the rest of the main characters, as well as a gaming channel where they upload Let's Play videos. The channels frequently upload videos that belong to a variety of mini-series, each dedicated to covering different themes of typical YouTube genre tropes such as Ask Orange, How2, Storytime, Annoying Orange vs, and Annoying Orange Challenges. The channel also frequently re-uploads older videos as parts of larger compilations, as seen with their compilation mini-series The Juice, Foodsplosion, and Saturday Supercut.
The Annoying Orange YouTube channel has 12.6 million subscribers as of April 2024.
Collective merchandise[edit]
Since late 2011, The Collective has produced many accessories, toys and clothing with toymaker The Bridge Direct and clothing retailers such as JCPenney, Shopko and rue21.[24] The Collective also announced a partnership in December of that year with costume manufacturer Rubie's Costume Company to produce children and adult Halloween costumes and accessories featuring characters such as Orange, Pear, Marshmallow, and Midget Apple from the web series.[25]
In 2020, Annoying Orange partnered with Warren James, LLC and has produced Memory-foam plushie toys depicting every major character. The inventory of plush toys includes Orange,[26] Pear,[27] Midget Apple,[28] Marshmallow,[29] Grandpa Lemon,[30] Grapefruit,[31] and Passion Fruit.[32] The toys can be purchased on the official website individually, or in a bundle of seven.[33][34]