Katana VentraIP

Annoying Orange

Annoying Orange is an American live-action/animated comedy web series created by Dane Boedigheimer (known online as DaneBoe). The series follows an anthropomorphic orange who annoys fruits, vegetables, and various other objects by telling crude jokes and puns until their demise. In addition, the show satirizes and parodies pop culture with a touch of off-color, surreal and gross-out humor.

This article is about the online series. For other uses associated with the title "Annoying Orange", see Annoying Orange (disambiguation).

Annoying Orange

Spencer Grove
Dane Boedigheimer
Bob Jennings
Sara Christensen

Dane Boedigheimer
Bob Jennings

Dane Boedigheimer

Dane Boedigheimer
Bob Jennings (2010–2021)
Kevin Brueck
Aaron Massey
Jess Lizama
Jon Bailey (2021–present)
Various guest stars

Dane Boedigheimer

Dane Boedigheimer
Kevin MacLeod

United States



Dane Boedigheimer
Aaron Massey
Kevin Nalty

Daneboe Productions
The Collective (2009–2016)
Annoying Orange, Inc. (2012–present)
YouTube Studio

October 9, 2009 (2009-10-09) –
present (present)

The show became popular with viewers, leading to three video games, a range of adult toys, backpacks, couches, pillows, blankets, lunch boxes, drink bottles, mattresses, towels, plushies and a T-shirt line. Other accessories, such as costumes of the series characters, have also appeared on the market. Despite the popularity of the series, the show received negative review by critics due to the main character as well as its humor.

The original web series has also expanded to multiple separate series, such as The Adventures of Liam The Leprechaun, The Misfortune of Being Ned, The Marshmallow Show, Shocktober, the television series The High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange, and various secondary YouTube channels featuring the rest of the main characters, as well as a gaming channel where they upload Let's Play videos. The channels frequently upload videos that belong to a variety of mini-series, each dedicated to covering different themes of typical YouTube genre tropes such as Ask Orange, How2, Storytime, Annoying Orange vs, and Annoying Orange Challenges. The channel also frequently re-uploads older videos as parts of larger compilations, as seen with their compilation mini-series The Juice, Foodsplosion, and Saturday Supercut.

The Annoying Orange YouTube channel has 12.6 million subscribers as of April 2024.

Annoying Orange (voiced by ) – The main protagonist in the series. He can spit seeds from his mouth and has a passion to flatulence, TNT, kazoos, making noises (such as "nya, nya" and the roar of a motorboat engine) and touching his tongue to his eyeball. Yet he appears to be good-hearted, to the point of warning his guests about their imminent deaths. Orange enjoys making puns and jokes, usually punctuated with his signature laugh. Orange also has a fear of dancing hippos.

Dane Boedigheimer

Pear (voiced by Dane Boedigheimer) – A . The only fruit who puts up with Orange (at least most of the time), and is arguably his best friend, although Pear would refuse to admit it. Other foods regard Pear as a bore, owing to his passion for reading; he is often the butt of jokes throughout the series. As such, Pear occasionally resorts to extreme behaviours to defy the idea that he is boring.

Bartlett Pear

Midget Apple (voiced by Dane Boedigheimer) – A diminutive who prefers to be called "Little Apple" – as he hates the appellation "Midget Apple" for being insensitive to fruits his size. He owns a monster truck and is often ridiculed for his height, mostly by Orange. He's also ridiculed for being illiterate, which he constantly denies. He's an expert at horror video games, according to the Annoying Orange Gaming channel. His catchphrase is "Neato burrito!"

Red Delicious apple

Marshmallow (voiced by Dane Boedigheimer) – A cute, happy go lucky, squeaky-voiced who is almost always happy. Marshmallow is regarded to be Midget Apple's best friend. They love unicorns (their mother herself is a unicorn), rainbows, cuddly animals, and all things cute. A running source of humour involves questioning Marshmallow's gender – although Marshmallow has self-referred to be male even in their early appearances but was later revealed to be non-binary in the episode "PRIDE". Marshmallow is given to say "Yay!" a lot and has an audacious giggle.


Passion Fruit (voiced by ) – A sweet, sassy passion fruit who is Orange's love interest - although Orange is embarrassed to admit he loves her. Grapefruit is also in love with Passion, although she hates him. At one point, she dated a giant granadilla named GG, whom she later found out was her cousin. Needless to say, their relationship did not last long.

Justine Ezarik

Grandpa Lemon (voiced by Kevin Brueck) – An elderly who constantly falls asleep and often mishears words. In his first appearance, Grandpa Lemon died, being sliced and juiced into a glass of lemonade. He was resurrected in "Frankenfruit" and has appeared subsequently since then. Despite his old age, he drives a stunt-optimized motorcycle. In the High Fructose Adventures of Annoying Orange episode "Veggie Zombies", Grandpa Lemon mentions a character called Grandma Lime, presumed to be his wife, although it is unconfirmed if she is alive or dead, as she has not been mentioned since then in the series.


Grapefruit (voiced by Bob Jennings from 2010 to 2021; since 2021) – A brawny grapefruit who has a bit of a temper - and who others (often Orange) often call fat, much to his displeasure. Like Grandpa Lemon, he was killed by Knife in his first appearance and was resurrected in "Frankenfruit" as the head of the titular amalgamated monster, and subsequently has appeared since then. In earlier seasons, he was antagonistic, but in later seasons has become part of the main cast. He has a bodybuilder's personality, enjoys flexing and using bodybuilding terms a lot. He also likes to impress others, particularly female foods, although he usually fails at this due to his foul luck. Following Bob Jennings' departure from the role in 2021, the episode "Grapefruit’s New Voice!" introduced Jon Bailey as his new voice actor with a running gag of him wanting his old voice back.

Jon Bailey

Orange's sister (voiced by Jess Lizama) – Also referred to as Sis, she is just as annoying as her brother Orange. Originally a one-time character, over time, her prominence has grown to that of a recurring character, and then a major character (even appearing in episodes of The Juice and Storytime), likely due to the noticeable lack of female main characters, due to Passion's less frequent appearances in later episodes (so Grapefruit even tries to hit on her as well).


Collective merchandise[edit]

Since late 2011, The Collective has produced many accessories, toys and clothing with toymaker The Bridge Direct and clothing retailers such as JCPenney, Shopko and rue21.[24] The Collective also announced a partnership in December of that year with costume manufacturer Rubie's Costume Company to produce children and adult Halloween costumes and accessories featuring characters such as Orange, Pear, Marshmallow, and Midget Apple from the web series.[25]


In 2020, Annoying Orange partnered with Warren James, LLC and has produced Memory-foam plushie toys depicting every major character. The inventory of plush toys includes Orange,[26] Pear,[27] Midget Apple,[28] Marshmallow,[29] Grandpa Lemon,[30] Grapefruit,[31] and Passion Fruit.[32] The toys can be purchased on the official website individually, or in a bundle of seven.[33][34]


Annoying Orange comics are published by Papercutz.

a low-cost animation technique that has been used in the series


The Annoying Orange official website