arXiv (pronounced as "archive"—the X represents the Greek letter chi ⟨χ⟩)[1] is an open-access repository of electronic preprints and postprints (known as e-prints) approved for posting after moderation, but not peer review. It consists of scientific papers in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, electrical engineering, computer science, quantitative biology, statistics, mathematical finance and economics, which can be accessed online. In many fields of mathematics and physics, almost all scientific papers are self-archived on the arXiv repository before publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Some publishers also grant permission for authors to archive the peer-reviewed postprint. Begun on August 14, 1991, passed the half-million-article milestone on October 3, 2008,[2][3] had hit a million by the end of 2014[4][5] and two million by the end of 2021.[6][7] As of April 2021, the submission rate is about 16,000 articles per month.[8]
Type of site
August 14, 1991
Each arXiv paper has a unique identifier:
Different versions of the same paper are specified by a version number at the end. For example, 1709.08980v1
. If no version number is specified, the default is the latest version.
arXiv uses a category system. Each paper is tagged with one or more categories. Some categories have two layers. For example, q-fin.TR
is the "Trading and Market Microstructure" category within "quantitative finance". Other categories have one layer. For example, hep-ex
is "high energy physics experiments".
Moderation process and endorsement[edit]
Although arXiv is not peer reviewed, a collection of moderators for each area review the submissions; they may recategorize any that are deemed off-topic,[26] or reject submissions that are not scientific papers, or sometimes for undisclosed reasons.[27] The lists of moderators for many sections of arXiv are publicly available,[28] but moderators for most of the physics sections remain unlisted.
Additionally, an "endorsement" system was introduced in 2004 as part of an effort to ensure content is relevant and of interest to current research in the specified disciplines.[29] Under the system, for categories that use it, an author must be endorsed by an established arXiv author before being allowed to submit papers to those categories. Endorsers are not asked to review the paper for errors but to check whether the paper is appropriate for the intended subject area.[26] New authors from recognized academic institutions generally receive automatic endorsement, which in practice means that they do not need to deal with the endorsement system at all. However, the endorsement system has attracted criticism for allegedly restricting scientific inquiry.[30][31]
A majority of the e-prints are also submitted to journals for publication, but some work, including some very influential papers, remain purely as e-prints and are never published in a peer-reviewed journal. A well-known example of the latter is an outline of a proof of Thurston's geometrization conjecture, including the Poincaré conjecture as a particular case, uploaded by Grigori Perelman in November 2002.[32] Perelman appears content to forgo the traditional peer-reviewed journal process, stating: "If anybody is interested in my way of solving the problem, it's all there [on the arXiv] – let them go and read about it".[33] Despite this non-traditional method of publication, other mathematicians recognized this work by offering the Fields Medal and Clay Mathematics Millennium Prizes to Perelman, both of which he refused.[34]
While arXiv does contain some dubious e-prints, such as those claiming to refute famous theorems or proving famous conjectures such as Fermat's Last Theorem using only high-school mathematics, a 2002 article which appeared in Notices of the American Mathematical Society described those as "surprisingly rare".[35] arXiv generally re-classifies these works, e.g. in "General mathematics", rather than deleting them;[36] however, some authors have voiced concern over the lack of transparency in the arXiv screening process.[27]
Submission formats[edit]
Papers can be submitted in any of several formats, including LaTeX, and PDF printed from a word processor other than TeX or LaTeX. The submission is rejected by the arXiv software if generating the final PDF file fails, if any image file is too large, or if the total size of the submission is too large. arXiv now allows one to store and modify an incomplete submission, and only finalize the submission when ready. The time stamp on the article is set when the submission is finalized.