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Australian Navy Cadets

The Australian Navy Cadets (ANC) is a leading national youth development organisation, with the character and values of the Australian Navy, founded on a strong community partnership, fostering and supporting an ongoing interest in the Australian Navy.

Australian Navy Cadets

1907 – present

Australia Australia


Volunteer youth organisation

92 units, 2,200 cadets


Integrity and Endeavour

Royal Australian Navy

1 July

Corsair, Envy, Various powerboats, Aquila RHIB, Scruffy, Bosun's mate, Hobi Catamaran, RS Quest

Commodore David Greaves, RAN

Captain Peter Alderson, ANC


Together with the Australian Air Force Cadets and Australian Army Cadets, it forms the Australian Defence Force Cadets. It hosts over 87 units.

Boys Naval Brigades (Victoria) 1901–1911 (Run in conjunction with the )

Church of England

Australian Naval Cadet Corps ANCC 1907–1950 (Defence)

Navy League Sea Cadet Corps NLSCC (1920–1950) (Navy League)

RANR Cadets 1950–1973 (Defence)

Australian Sea Cadet Corps ASCC (1950–1972) (Navy League)

(1973– Navy League and Defence cadets merged into one unit, the NRC)

Naval Reserve Cadets NRC (1972-31 March 2000) (Defence)

Australian Navy Cadets ANC (1 April 2000 – present) (Defence)

The organisation was founded in the early 1900s and officially recognised under the Naval Defence Act in 1910. Prior to 1973, the organisation was known as the Australian Sea Cadet Corps, and was jointly administered by the Royal Australian Navy and the Navy League of Australia. After 1973, the Navy assumed full responsibility for the Corps, which was renamed the Naval Reserve Cadets. The Australian Government review, 'Cadets The Future' recommended a final name change to Australian Navy Cadets in 2000.[1]

Below is a list of names held by both the Naval League and Defence run/sponsored programs including the original 'Church of England – Boys Naval Brigade' from 1901 to 1911:[2]

service, courage, respect, integrity and excellence

self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline, teamwork and leadership,

a sense of moral compass and respect for others regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability

an understanding of the importance to the Nation of Australia’s maritime domain.

The ANC provides a well-planned and organised youth development program based on maritime skills in an inclusive and adventurous environment. The program, which encompasses Navy Values and Signature Behaviours, is designed to nurture and develop:

The program is delivered by enthusiastic and dedicated ANC adult volunteers through a range of safe, enjoyable and rewarding experiences.

Defence Approved Helper – DAH

Seamanship Development Course (SMNS)

Marine Technician (MT)

Ceremonial and weapons safety (CWS)

Cook (CK)

Communications (COM)

Musician (MUSN)

Stores (STR)

Hydrographic Surveyor (HS)

Writer (WTR)

Physical Training Instructor (PTI)

Cadet Safety Representative (CSR)

Naval Airman (NA)


Members of community organisations


Parents and community members

Ex-servicemen and women

Occupational health and safety consultants

Specialist personnel such as HR, change or occupational health and safety managers, administrators or finance officers

People who provide support on a continuing or as required basis


Australian Army Cadets

Australian Air Force Cadets

Australian Defence Force Cadets

International Sea Cadet Association

Other Sea Cadet organisations

Cadets (youth program)

ANP 3700 – Policy and Operating Instructions for the Australian Navy Cadets

Australian Navy Cadets Official Website

Australian Defence Force Cadets – Cadetnet

Royal Australian Navy

International Sea Cadet Association

Navy League of Australia Federal Council report

Cadets WA