Beverly Hills Cop (franchise)
Beverly Hills Cop is a film franchise of American action comedy films and an unaired television pilot based on characters created by Daniel Petrie, Jr. and Danilo Bach. The films star Eddie Murphy as Axel Foley, a street-smart Detroit cop who travels to Beverly Hills, California to investigate a crime, even though it is out of his jurisdiction.
Beverly Hills Cop
Characters created by Danilo Bach & Daniel Petrie, Jr.
United States
$90 million
$735 million
There, he meets Detective Billy Rosewood (Judge Reinhold), Sergeant John Taggart (John Ashton), and Lieutenant Andrew Bogomil (Ronny Cox). Ashton and Cox do not appear in Beverly Hills Cop III. Murphy and Reinhold are the only actors who appear in all four films. Harold Faltermeyer produced the "Axel F" theme song heard throughout the series. The first three films have been distributed by Paramount Pictures, while Paramount+ is set to distribute the fourth film. The films have grossed a total of $735 million at the worldwide box office.
Attempts to reboot the franchise have occurred over the years following the initial trilogy, including a 2013 TV pilot.[1][2] A fourth film, entitled Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F, is set to release in 2024, 40 years following the original film, and 30 years following the third film.[3] Returning to the franchise alongside Murphy are cast members from the previous films, as well as Jerry Bruckheimer, producer of the first two films.[4]
In other media[edit]
1987: Robert Tine: Beverly Hills Cop II: A Novel, Pocket; Mti edition, ISBN 978-0671645212