Mandatory record keeping and scanning
Face coverings will be compulsory on flights and encouraged indoors.
Public facilities, retailers, workplaces, education providers, and specified community events are allowed to operate.
No regional boundary restrictions.
No limits for hospitality operators, social and religious gatherings, weddings, civil unions, funerals, tangihanga, events (both indoors and outdoors), close contact businesses (such as hairdressers) and gyms with vaccine certificate requirements.
Businesses and events lacking vaccine certificate requirements will be subject to a 100-person limit, based on one-metre distancing.
Lifting all outdoor gathering restrictions from 11:59pm on 25 March.
Raising the indoor gathering limit from 100 to 200 from 11:59pm on 25 March. However, facemasks would be required in most indoor settings.
Eliminating requirements from 11:59pm on 4 April.
My Vaccine Pass
Ending vaccine mandates for education, Police, and Defence Force staff as well as businesses using vaccine passes from 11:59pm on 4 April.