Katana VentraIP

Causes (company)

Causes is a for-profit civic-technology app and website that enables users to organize grassroots and public-awareness campaigns. Causes is a website that gives summaries of breaking news, new laws, and popular topics. Users can respond, comment, share, or contact their representatives about an issue. Users can also create their own "Cause" and seek support from other users.[2][1]



Bart Myers [1]

21 (as of 2021)[1]

In 2019, Causes was acquired by Countable Corporation.[3] In 2020, Countable.us and its associated app merged with Causes.com.[4]


Users are able to create, join, or browse causes focused on cause-related issues. Users of Causes could also create campaigns, where they published activity to a network of followers. Causes was used as a vehicle for community building, education, awareness, advocacy, and fundraising.[20]

Official Website