Chair of Reniseneb
The Chair was crafted circa 1450 B.C during the reign of Thutmose III, sixth Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt. Inscriptions on the chair indicate it belonged to the scribe Reniseneb (also referred to as Reni-seneb or Renyseneb). The chair is made from ebony and carved ivory. It is believed that the chair was originally less detailed than it currently is, and that additional inscriptions were added to the chair when Reniseneb died.[1] The chair is notably the oldest (excluding royal chairs) surviving chair of its style from Egypt.[1]
The seat of the chair is a reproduction made from woven reeds, as the original seat has long since decayed. An image of Reniseneb seated in a similar chair is carved into the backrest of the chair, and its feet take the form of carved lion claws. Lotus flowers are also depicted on the chair's carved ivory, possibly due to Egyptian's association of lotus flowers with rebirth and healing.[2]