

Child harvesting is particularly associated with and prevalent in some international adoption markets.[23][24][25] The stigmatization of childless couples is seen as a factor driving this. Another factor cited is the costs of assisted reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilization. Another factor cited is the difficulties in adoption. These difficulties include its cultural acceptance, its legality.[22] and its administrative difficulty.[26]

Child labour

Child laundering


Child trafficking

Commercial sexual exploitation of children

Human trafficking in Nigeria

Trafficking of children

List of international adoption scandals


Assisted reproductive technology


at Vanguard

Baby factories: How pregnancies, deliveries are framed

(18:15–23:10) of Al Jazeera

Video: The Nigerian Connection II

in Trauma, Violence and Abuse Journal, July 2015.

Baby factories in Nigeria: Starting the discussion toward a national prevention policy

in Reproductive Biomedicine Online Journal, October, 2015

Baby factories taint surrogacy in Nigeria

in Child Abuse Review Journal, November 2015

Infant Trafficking and Baby Factories: A New Tale of Child Abuse in Nigeria