Christian Aid
Christian Aid is the relief and development agency of 41 Christian (Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox) churches in the UK and Ireland,[1] and works to support sustainable development, eradicate poverty, support civil society and provide disaster relief in South America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia.[2]
UK (1105851)
- Interchurch House, 35 Lower Marsh, London, SE1 7RL, UK
London, England (UK)
Patrick Watt
It works with hundreds of local partner organisations in some of the world's most vulnerable communities in 24 countries.[3] It is a founder member of the Disasters Emergency Committee,[4] and a major member of The Climate Coalition, The Fairtrade Foundation and Trade Justice Movement campaigns. Christian Aid's headquarters are in London and it has regional teams across the UK and Ireland, plus country offices elsewhere around the world.[5] Christian Aid also organises the UK's largest door-to-door collection, Christian Aid Week, which takes place in May each year.
Its director was Loretta Minghella who was appointed in 2010 but resigned in 2017 to work for the Church Commissioners. She was succeeded by the current chief executive officer Amanda Khozi Mukwashi.[6] The 2012–2013 income of Christian Aid was £95.4 million.[7]
Reconstruction after various wars in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were major projects, alongside the aid given after the overthrow of dictators Idi Amin in Uganda, Somoza family in Nicaragua, and Pol Pot in Cambodia.[8] Yanomami Indians in Brazil were also supported, in a commitment to marginalized peoples.[9]
The development economist Paul Collier in his book The Bottom Billion suggests that Christian Aid "deeply misinformed" the UK electorate in 2004 and 2005 with a campaign against reducing trade barriers in Africa. He says the campaign was based on a "deeply misleading" study conducted by an economist without the requisite expertise and whose purported review "by a panel of academic experts" was by two people whom the economist had himself chosen and who were also "not noted for their expertise on international trade". He quotes an unnamed official at the British Department of Trade and Industry as saying "they know it's bad, but it sells the T-shirts".[12]
Several of the Britain's leading foreign aid charities, including Christian Aid, British Red Cross, Save the Children, and Oxfam, have been criticized for paying what some alleged to be excessive salaries to some of their managers.[13][14][15] In 2013, Christian Aid's CEO was paid £126,206 and four other staff members were paid between £80,000 and £90,000.[7] Christian Aid's response to this was: "We want to reassure you that we make every effort to avoid paying higher salaries than are necessary. We pay our staff salaries the same as, or below, the median of other church-based and/or international development agencies."[16]
Legal action by Zionist Advocacy Center[edit]
In March 2023 Christian Aid commented on a legal action taken against the organisation by the Zionist Advocacy Center. The legal action was commenced in 2017, and was rejected by the US courts in September 2022. The legal action alleged that Christian Aid was "virulently anti-Israel" and had fraudulently obtained funding from the US government. Patrick Watt, the chief executive for Christian Aid, said: "I don’t believe … this case was brought against us in the belief that it had legs. I think it was brought against us in an effort to throw sand in the wheels of our advocacy and to make working on IOPT [Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory] very expensive."[17]