Katana VentraIP

Clearchus of Soli

Clearchus of Soli (Greek: Kλέαρχoς ὁ Σολεύς, Klearkhos ho Soleus) was a Greek philosopher of the 4th–3rd century BCE, belonging to Aristotle's Peripatetic school. He was born in Soli in Cyprus.

He wrote extensively on eastern cultures, and is thought to have traveled to the Bactrian city of Ai-Khanoum (Alexandria on the Oxus) in modern Afghanistan.

Βίοι (Bioi); a work on the right way of life, in at least eight volumes

A commentary on 's Timaeus


Πλάτωνος ἐγκώμιον (Platōnos enkōmion); to Plato


Περὶ τῶν ἐν τῇ Πλάτωνος Πολιτείᾳ μαϑηματικῶς ἐιρημένων (Peri tōn en tē Platōnos Polīteiā mathēmatikōs eirēmenōn); on the mathematical subjects in Plato's


Γεργίϑιος (Gergithios); a treatise on flattery

Περὶ φιλίας (Peri filiās); on friendship

Παροιμίαι (Paroimiai); proverbs

Περὶ γρίφων (Peri griphōn); on riddles

Ἐρωτικά (Erōtika); a probably historical collection of love-stories with some very odd questions on the subject

Περὶ γραφῶν (Peri graphōn); on paintings

Περιγραφαί (Perigraphai); ? the reading in is doubtful (XIV 648f)


Περὶ νάρκης (Peri narkēs); on the

electric ray

Περὶ τῶν ἐνύδρων (Peri tōn enudrōn); on water-animals

Περὶ ϑινῶν (Peri thīnōn); on sand-wastes

Περὶ σκελετῶν (Peri skeletōn); an anatomical work

Περὶ ὕπνου (Peri upnou); on sleep (genuineness questionable)

Clearchus wrote extensively around 320 BCE on Oriental cultures, from Israel to Persia to India, and several fragments from him are known. His book "Of Education" (Greek: Περὶ παιδείας, Peri paideiās) was cited by Diogenes Laërtius.

Clearchus in particular expressed several theories on the connection between western and eastern religions. In "Of Education", he wrote that "the gymnosophists are descendants of the Magi".

In another text, Josephus the first-century Romano-Jewish scholar claimed that Clearchus has reported a dialogue with Aristotle, where the philosopher states that the Hebrews were descendants of the Indian philosophers:

His works included also:[2]

There is some question as to whether the work on military tactics cited by Aelianus Tacticus should be ascribed to Clearchus of Soli or Clearchus of Heraclea.