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Combined Cadet Force

The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a youth organisation in the United Kingdom, sponsored by the Ministry of Defence (MOD), which operates in schools, sub divided into Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and Royal Air Force sections. Its aim is to "provide a disciplined organisation in a school so that pupils may develop powers of leadership by means of training to promote the qualities of responsibility, self reliance, resourcefulness, endurance and perseverance".

Combined Cadet Force (CCF)


Youth Organisation

Leadership and discipline education

42,720 Cadets[1]

Regional Command Cadets Branch, Aldershot

'The Corps' (within school environment)

Air Commodore Tony Keeling RAFR

One of its objectives is "to encourage those who have an interest in the services to become Officers of the Regular or Reserve Forces", and a significant number of British military officers have had experience in the CCF.

Before 1948, cadet forces in schools existed as the junior division of the Officers' Training Corps framework, but in 1948 Combined Cadet Force was formed covering cadets affiliated to all three services. As of 2019, there were 42,720 cadets and 3,370 Adult Volunteers.[1] The MOD provides approximately £28M per year of funding to the CCF.[2] There are approximately 500 contingents (the name for each school or college's CCF) in the UK.[3]

Although sponsored by the Ministry of Defence, the CCF is not part of the British Armed Forces or Reserve Forces; as such, cadets are not subject to military 'call up'. Some cadets do, however, go on to join the armed forces later in life, and many of the organisation's leaders have been cadets or have a military background.

Officers in the Naval section of the CCF, undertake the six day CCF Royal Navy officer induction course training at , Dartmouth. It is commanded by a course officer (regular Naval Service) and at least two CFAVs to assist. The training is delivered by regular sailors.[31]

Britannia Royal Naval College

Unlike officers in the , CCF (Army) officers do not attend the Cadet Forces Commissions Board of the Army Officer Selection Board and are commissioned based on recommendation from the Headmaster of the employing school and confirmed by the relevant Army Brigade. Prospective officers may be appointed as an "Adult Under Officer", awaiting commissioning.[21]

Army Cadet Force

CCF (RAF) officers attend the and undertake the five day RAF Air Cadets Officers' Initial Course at RAF College Cranwell, as officer cadets. Upon successful completion of the course, they are awarded their Cadet Forces Commission.[32] Their rank slides are similar to their RAF counterparts, with the addition of the text 'RAF Air Cadets' underneath the displayed rank.[33]

Officer and Aircrew Selection Centre

Sea Cadet Corps

Army Cadet Force

Air Training Corps

Elements of the Community Cadet Forces

Other MoD sponsored or recognized cadet forces

Related articles

Official website

Army Dress Regulations Part 8 (Cadets) (2013)