Community (trade union)
Community is a British trade union which formed in 2004. The union represents workers in a diverse range of sectors, including iron and steel, justice and custodial, domestic appliance manufacturing, textiles and footwear, road transport, betting, the third sector, education and early years as well as the self-employed.
Not to be confused with Unite Community, part of Unite the Union.Founded
Although the former trade unions which amalgamated to form Community were all craft unions or industrial unions, Community is now a general union (and the smallest of the 'General Unions' in the TUC). Community has merged or transferred engagements with a number of unions, some of which have become sections within Community. These include the National League of the Blind and Disabled (NLBD), the National Union of Domestic Appliance and General Operatives (NUDAGO), the National Union of Knitwear, Footwear & Apparel Trades (KFAT), the British Union of Social Work Employees (BUSWE), the Prison Service Union (representing staff in the UK's privatised prisons and wider justice sector), the UFS, Blue Chip Staff Association (BCSA) and the Independent Democratic Union (IDU).[3]
Community actively participates in the Trades Union Congress and Community's then General Secretary Michael Leahy served as TUC President in 2010/2011.
When Community was formed from the merger of KFAT and the ISTC in 2004 it was arranged for the first new member of the newly constituted union to be the then UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (and future Prime Minister), Gordon Brown.[4]
Community is affiliated to a number of national, European and International union structures.
At a national level, Community is affiliated to the Trades Union Congress (TUC), Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) and Wales TUC.
At a European level, Community affiliates to the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), European Metalworkers' Federation (EMF), European Trade Union Federation - Textiles, Clothing & Leather (ETUF-TCL) and UNI-Europa.
At an international level, Community affiliates to the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF), International Textile, Garment and Leather Workers' Federation (ITGLWF) and UNI-Global.
Community is affiliated to the Labour Party and the Co-operative Party.[8]
Community is organised into 8 regions and has several industrial sections. The regions are:
The Sections are:
Community is governed by the national executive council NEC of 21 members and the general secretary. This body is elected for three-year terms with each region being allocated NEC seats proportionally. There are also three seats reserved for women members, one for members with disabilities and one for ethnic minority members.
Each year the NEC elects one member to serve one year as vice-president and then a further year as president.
The day-to-day business of the union is conducted by the general secretary and the staff of the head office in London and by the Member Service Centre based in Kidderminster. In addition to this there are regional officers based at several locations around the UK.