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Comparative law

Comparative law is the study of differences and similarities between the law (legal systems) of different countries. More specifically, it involves the study of the different legal "systems" (or "families") in existence in the world, including the common law, the civil law, socialist law, Canon law, Jewish Law, Islamic law, Hindu law, and Chinese law. It includes the description and analysis of foreign legal systems, even where no explicit comparison is undertaken. The importance of comparative law has increased enormously in the present age of internationalism, economic globalization, and democratization.

To attain a deeper knowledge of the legal systems in effect

To perfect the legal systems in effect

Possibly, to contribute to a unification of legal systems, of a smaller or larger scale (cf. for instance, the initiative)


Comparative law is an academic discipline that involves the study of legal systems, including their constitutive elements and how they differ,[6] and how their elements combine into a system.

Several disciplines have developed as separate branches of comparative law, including comparative constitutional law, comparative administrative law, comparative civil law (in the sense of the law of torts, contracts, property and obligations), comparative commercial law (in the sense of business organisations and trade), and comparative criminal law. Studies of these specific areas may be viewed as micro- or macro-comparative legal analysis, i.e. detailed comparisons of two countries, or broad-ranging studies of several countries. Comparative civil law studies, for instance, show how the law of private relations is organised, interpreted and used in different systems or countries. The purposes of comparative law are:

How do regulations in different legal systems really function in the respective societies?

Are legal rules comparable?

How do the similarities and differences between legal systems get explained?

Comparative law is different from general jurisprudence (i.e. legal theory) and from public and private international law. However, it helps inform all of these areas of normativity.

For example, comparative law can help international legal institutions, such as those of the United Nations System, in analyzing the laws of different countries regarding their treaty obligations. Comparative law would be applicable to private international law when developing an approach to interpretation in a conflicts analysis. Comparative law may contribute to legal theory by creating categories and concepts of general application. Comparative law may also provide insights into the question of legal transplants, i.e. the transplanting of law and legal institutions from one system to another. The notion of legal transplants was coined by Alan Watson, one of the world's renowned legal scholars specializing in comparative law. Gunther Teubner expanded the notion of legal transplantation to include legal irritation: Rather than smoothly integrating into domestic legal systems, a foreign rule disrupts established norms and societal arrangements. This disruption sparks an evolution where the external rule's meaning is redefined and where significant transformations within the internal context are triggered.[7] Lasse Schuldt added that irritation is not spontaneous, but requires institutional drivers.[8]

Also, the usefulness of comparative law for sociology of law and law and economics (and vice versa) is very large. The comparative study of the various legal systems may show how different legal regulations for the same problem function in practice. Conversely, sociology of law and law & economics may help comparative law answer questions, such as:

Classifications of legal systems[edit]


René David[9] proposed the classification of legal systems, according to the different ideology inspiring each one, into five groups or families:[10]

American Association of Law Libraries

American Society of Comparative Law

International Association of Judicial Independence and World Peace

International Association of Procedural Law

International Law Association

American Journal of Comparative Law

German Law Journal

Journal of Comparative Legislation and International Law

The Journal of Comparative Law

(American Bar Association: 1908–1914, 1933), the first comparative law journal in the U.S.

Annual Bulletin of the Comparative Law Bureau

Comparative criminal justice

online wikis where jurists can complete questionnaires regarding their home legal system

Comparative law wiki

(1779–1861) – a German legal scholar who wrote on comparative law

Friedrich Carl von Savigny

List of national legal systems

Rule according to higher law

Rule of law

Billis, Emmanouil. 'On the methodology of comparative criminal law research: Paradigmatic approaches to the research method of functional comparison and the heuristic device of ideal types', Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law 6 (2017): 864–881.

'Methods and Aims of Comparative Contract Law' (1989) 11 OJLS 396.

H Collins

Cotterrell, Roger (2006). Law, Culture and Society: Legal Ideas in the Mirror of Social Theory. Aldershot: Ashgate.

De Cruz, Peter (2007) Comparative Law in a Changing World, 3rd edn (1st edn 1995). London: Routledge-Cavendish.

Donahue, Charles (2008) 'Comparative Law before the "Code Napoléon"' in The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law. Eds. Mathias Reimann & Reinhard Zimmermann. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Glanert, Simone (2008) 'Speaking Language to Law: The Case of Europe', Legal Studies 28: 161–171.

Hamza, Gabor (1991). Comparative Law and Antiquity. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado.

Husa, Jaakko. A New Introduction to Comparative Law. Oxford–Portland (Oregon): Hart, 2015.

'Comparative Law as an Academic Subject' (1966) 82 LQR 40.

O Kahn-Freund

Kischel, Uwe. Comparative Law. Trans. Andrew Hammel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.

Legrand, Pierre (1996). 'European Legal Systems Are Not Converging', International and Comparative Law Quarterly 45: 52–81.

Legrand, Pierre (1997). 'Against a European Civil Code', Modern Law Review 60: 44–63.

Legrand, Pierre and Roderick Munday, eds. (2003). Comparative Legal Studies: Traditions and Transitions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Legrand, Pierre (2003). 'The Same and the Different', in Comparative Legal Studies: Traditions and Transitions. Eds. Pierre Legrand & Roderick Munday. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Leibniz, Gottffried Wilhelm (2017) The New Method of Learning and Teaching Jurisprudence... Translation of the 1667 Frankfurt Edition. Clark, NJ: Talbot Publishing.

Lundmark, Thomas, Charting the divide between common and civil law, Oxford University Press, 2012.

MacDougal, M.S. 'The Comparative Study of Law for Policy Purposes: Value Clarification as an Instrument of Democratic World Order' (1952) 61 Yale Law Journal 915 (difficulties and requirements of good comparative law).

Mattei, Ugo; Teemu Ruskola; Antonio Gidi (2009). Schlesinger's Comparative Law: Cases, Text, Materials. London: Foundation.  978-1-58778-591-7..


(2006) Comparative Law in a Global Context: the Legal Traditions of Asia and Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Menski Werner

Orucu, Esin and David Nelken, eds. Comparative Law: A Handbook. Oxford: Hart, 2007.

Reimann, Mathias & Reinhard Zimmermann, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Law, 2nd edn. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019 (1st edn. 2008).

Samuel, Geoffrey. An Introduction to Comparative Law Theory and Method. Oxford: Hart, 2014.

Siems, Mathias. Comparative Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.

Watson, Alan. Legal Transplants: An Approach to Comparative Law, 2nd edn. University of Georgia Press, 1993.

Zweigert, Konrad & Hein Kötz. An Introduction to Comparative Law, 3rd edn. Trans. Tony Weir. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998.

Alan Watson Foundation

Eason Weinmann Center for International and Comparative Law at Tulane University Law School

European Union national law portal

Global-Regulation search engine

(in French)

International Academy of Comparative Law

International Association of Constitutional Law

Archived 2021-05-18 at the Wayback Machine

International Constitutional Law


Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

Oxford University Comparative Law Forum

US Library of Congress Guide to Law Online: Nations

US Library of Congress Global Law blog