Congressional Progressive Caucus
The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) is a congressional caucus affiliated with the Democratic Party in the United States Congress.[6] The CPC represents the furthest left-leaning faction of the Democratic Party.[4][7] It was founded in 1991 and has grown since then, becoming the second-largest Democratic caucus in the House of Representatives.
As of March 6, 2024, the CPC has 98 members (96 voting Representatives, 1 non-voting Delegate, and 1 Senator),[8][9][10][11] making it the second-largest ideological caucus in the House Democratic Caucus by voting members, behind the New Democrat Coalition. The CPC is chaired by U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA). In addition, the CPC is affiliated with the Congressional Political Caucus PAC, a political action committee which is led by members of the caucus.
Affiliate organizations
The CPC is affiliated with the Congressional Political Caucus PAC, a political action committee which was established in 2009 and is led by members of the caucus to endorse and fundraise for candidates.[58] In 2018, the caucus established the Congressional Progressive Caucus Center and Progressive Caucus Action Fund, a 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4), respectively, to coordinate messaging and policy initiatives between the caucus and supportive organizations.[59][60]