Katana VentraIP

Cornel West 2024 presidential campaign

Cornel West, a philosopher, academic, and political activist, announced his campaign on June 5, 2023, in the 2024 US presidential elections as a People's Party candidate via a video on Twitter where he called for "truth and justice" and pledged to use the presidency to accomplish that.[6]

Cornel West for President

  • Cornel West
    Author, civil rights activist, philosopher, and professor
    Melina Abdullah
    Author, civil rights activist, philosopher, and professor

Justice for All Party
Aurora Party
Oregon Progressive Party
Green Party (formerly)
People's Party (formerly)

  • Announced as People's Party: June 5, 2023
  • Announced as Green Party: June 14, 2023
  • Announced as Independent: October 5, 2023
  • Announced as Justice for All Party: January 31, 2024

US$933,358.51[4] (February 29, 2024)

Justice is what love looks like in public[5]

On June 14, 2023, West announced he would also seek the Green Party's nomination in their primaries.[7][8] On October 5, West announced he would instead be seeking to run an Independent campaign and thus dropped out of the Green Party primaries, beginning the process for ballot access.[9]

On January 31, he created and ran with the "Justice for All Party".[10]

Aligning with his socialist positions,[11] West's campaign centers on support for Medicare for All, public housing, action on climate change, and drastically cutting the US military budget.[12]

West has averaged in the mid-single digits in most general election polls,[13] and is widely considered to be a long-shot candidate.[14][15] Several Democratic analysts say that he could draw votes away from Joe Biden in a general election,[16] leading to concerns of vote splitting.


West is an American philosopher, political activist, social critic, actor, and public intellectual,[17][18] who focuses on role of race, gender, and class in American society.

West has held many professorships and fellowships, and has written books on these subjects such as Race Matters, and Democracy Matters. West is a self-described "non-Marxist socialist"[19][11] and an outspoken voice in left-wing politics in the United States. West has dabbled in political activism in the past.

After serving as an advisor to Bill Bradley in 2000, who failed to make it past the Democratic primaries, West became a prominent and active supporter of Green Party nominee Ralph Nader, speaking at several Nader rallies.[20] West backed Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primaries[21], but criticized him heavily after he became president.[22][23][24][25]

He backed Bernie Sanders in 2016,[26] and after Hillary Clinton won the nomination, he endorsed Green Party nominee Jill Stein despite being on a board of the Democratic National Committee.[27]


Initial announcement[edit]

On June 5, 2023, West announced he was running for president on a Rumble livestream hosted by comedian Russell Brand.[28] Later that day, West posted a video to Twitter announcing his run.[6][29] In the video, West stated that “I have decided to run for truth and justice, which takes the form of running for president of the United States as a candidate for the People's Party. I enter for the quest for truth. I enter for the quest of justice. And the presidency is just one vehicle we pursue that truth and justice.”

He criticized both major political parties for failing to "tell the truth about Wall Street, about Ukraine, about the Pentagon, about Big Tech."[6]

The People's Party immediately endorsed his campaign upon launch, quote-tweeting his launch video and saying that West would "smash the war duopoly and abolish poverty".[30] In the early roll-out, West's campaign was heavily criticized by left-wing activists and streamers for his choice of party.[31][32][33]

The founder of the party, Nick Brana, has been accused of sexual harassment and assault,[34][35] and the party has ballot access only in Florida, with no track record of running campaigns.[36] Ben Burgis (a columnist for Jacobin),[37] Bhaskar Sunkara (the founding editor of Jacobin) and D. D. Guttenplan, (editor of The Nation) argued that he should run for the Democratic Party nomination instead,[38] while Jeet Heer (a correspondent for The Nation) argued for the Green Party.[31]

Candidacy for the Green Party nomination[edit]

On June 14, 2023, West announced he was running for the Green Party's 2024 presidential nomination.[7][8]

On June 16, Socialist Alternative, a Trotskyist and revolutionary socialist party with chapters in several US cities, endorsed West's campaign, saying that it had "enormous potential" to change the political system.[39]

On June 21, West officially filed to run for president with the FEC.[40] He later announced that Jill Stein, the Green Party's presidential nominee in 2012 and 2016, would be chairing his campaign.[41]

On June 22, Emerson College released a general election poll showing West at 5.8% support.[42] Another poll conducted by Echoleon Insights, which was released on July 6, found West at 4% support.[43][44]

On July 14, 2023, West stated that NATO had provoked the Russian invasion of Ukraine in a Twitter post.[45] Later, West criticized Biden for authoring the 1994 crime bill, which Biden has publicly disavowed,[46] saying it contributed to crimes against humanity against black Americans.[47]

On July 15, 2023, West filed his federally mandated second quarter fundraising report. It showed that he had raised $71,398.08 in 9 days after announcing his campaign, and had spent $2,784, leaving him with $68,613.45 on hand.[48]

On July 23, 2023, West responded to claims of being a spoiler candidate via a CNN interview with Anderson Cooper, saying:

Vote splitting concerns[edit]

West's campaign sparked concerns of its potential to be a spoiler and potentially lead to the election of Donald Trump or another Republican.[38][67][68][69][70][71] Many Democrats believe that third party candidates caused them to lose the 2000 and 2016 elections by diverting votes from otherwise likely Democratic voters,[72][73][74] although Green Party representatives have maintained that they did not spoil these elections.[75][76]

Various independent analyses have found that a spoiler effect does exist, but have been inconclusive on whether or not it would be enough to affect the outcome of an election.[77][78] Because of these debated concerns, many in the Democratic Party have employed maneuvers attempting to keep third parties off the ballot,[79][80] which has been criticized as undermining democracy.[81][82]

As of September 2023, most general election polling has overall indicated that West would reduce Biden's support and Trump's support by about 1 to 2 points respectively,[13][83] however other polls have showed a negligible or even positive effect for Biden.[84][85]

West has argued that the Democratic Party does not "deserve anybody's vote," and have challenged the differences between the two major parties.[86]


West's donors include Republican megadonor Harlan Crow,[87] who some have theorized may have donated to the campaign in the hope that West will hurt Biden's electoral chances.[88] West returned Crow's donation.[89]