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Coronation of Charles V

Charles V was crowned Holy Roman Emperor by Pope Clement VII in the San Petronio Basilica in Bologna on 24 February 1530. He was the last Holy Roman Emperor to be crowned by a pope. The emperor was also crowned King of Italy on 22 February, also the last coronation of an Italian king by a pope.

The Iron Crown[edit]

On February 22, two days before the imperial coronation, Charles V received the Iron Crown of Lombardy as King of Italy in the Chapel of the Legate, today the Farnese Chapel, in Palazzo d'Accursio: ". ..His Majesty rose from his chair, and went to see Our Lord and kissed his foot, and afterwards the sword, the world, the sceptre and the crown were brought before His Holiness, and his Majesty was always on his knees to the feet of Our Lord and His Holiness read certain prayers: first he took the naked sword, blessed it, and put it in the hands of His Majesty who put it back in the sheath, and Our Lord with his hands put his belt around her, and then His Majesty rose to his feet, and took it out of its sheath, and three times he brandished it, then put it back, and having done this, again His Majesty returned to the feet of Our Lord, and his sanctity put the crown of iron on his head, and then he took the world, and the sceptre, and he gave it to His Majesty as he continued to read prayers... And the ceremonies ended, Our Lord and His Majesty left the chapel ... and went hand in hand to their rooms"[2]

Leandro Alberti, Descrizione di tutt' Italia, Bologna, A. Giaccarelli, 1550, p. 297

Bonita Cleri, Il Trionfo di Carlo V ovvero il Trionfo Di , sta in Feliciano Paoli (a cura di), Il trionfo di Carlo V, Catalogo della Mostra omonima 27 Luglio - 31 Agosto 1991, Comune di Urbania - Museo Civico. Urbania 1991.

Francesco Maria I Della Rovere

Leandro Alberti, Historie di Bologna, t. II, (1511-1543), a cura di Armando Antonelli e Maria Rosaria Musti, Bologna, Costa, 2006

Roberto Righi (a cura di), Carlo V a Bologna. Cronache e documenti dell'incoronazione (1530), Bologna, Costa Editore, 2000

Adriano Prosperi, voce Clemente VII in Enciclopedia dei Papi, III, Roma, Treccani, 2000, pp. 89–91

Emilio Pasquini e Paolo Prodi (a cura di), Bologna nell'età di Carlo V e di Guicciardini, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002

Coronation of the Holy Roman Emperor

San Petronio Basilica

Holy Roman Emperor