Katana VentraIP

Critique of political economy

Critique of political economy or simply the first critique of economy is a form of social critique that rejects the conventional ways of distributing resources. The critique also rejects what its advocates believe are unrealistic axioms, faulty historical assumptions,[1] and taking conventional economic mechanisms as a given[2][3] or as transhistorical (true for all human societies for all time).[4][5] The critique asserts the conventional economy is merely one of many types of historically specific ways to distribute resources, which emerged along with modernity (post-Renaissance Western society).[6][7][8]

Critics of political economy do not necessarily aim to create their own theories regarding how to administer economies.[1][3][9][10] Critics of economy commonly view "the economy" as a bundle of concepts and societal and normative practices, rather than being the result of any self-evident economic laws.[3][11] Hence, they also tend to consider the views which are commonplace within the field of economics as faulty, or simply as pseudoscience.[2][12]

There are multiple critiques of political economy today, but what they have in common is critique of what critics of political economy tend to view as dogma, i.e. claims of the economy as a necessary and transhistorical societal category.[3][13]

Labour and capital are historically specific forms of social relations, and labour is not the source of all wealth.[39][40]


Labour is the other side of the same coin as capital, labour presupposes capital, and capital presupposes labour.[41]


Money is not in any way something transhistorical or natural, which goes for the whole economy as well as the other categories specific to the , and its gains in value are constituted due to social relations rather than any inherent qualities.[39][42][43]

mode of production

The individual does not exist in some form of vacuum but is rather enmeshed in social relations.[45]


Differences between critics of economy and critics of economical issues[edit]

One may differentiate between those who engage in critique of political economy, which takes on a more ontological character, where authors criticise the fundamental concepts and social categories which reproduce the economy as an entity.[3][10][11][68][69] While other authors, which the critics of political economy would consider only to deal with the surface phenomena of the economy, have a naturalized understanding of these social processes. Hence the epistemological differences between critics of economy and economists can also at times be very large.[48]

In the eyes of the critics of political economy, the critics of economic issues merely critique certain practices in attempts to implicitly or explicitly rescue the political economy; these authors might for example propose universal basic income or to implement a planned economy.[9][31][68][70]

Richard D. Wolff

Steve Keen

John Komlos


Critique of work

Katrine Marçal

Hans-Georg Backhaus

Helmut Reichelt

Humanistic economics

Moishe Postone

Neue Marx-Lektüre

(1993). Time, Labor and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory. New York and Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780521391573. OCLC 231578868.

Postone, Moishe

Johnsdotter S, Carlbom A, editors. Goda sanningar: debattklimatet och den kritiska forskningens villkor. Lund: Nordic Academic Press; 2010.

F. Kapitalismens dynamik. (La Dynamique du Capitalisme) [Ny utg.]. Göteborg: Daidalos; 2001.


editor. Marx ekonomikritik. Stockholm: Tidskriftsföreningen Fronesis; 2008.

Ankarloo D

Eklund K. Vår ekonomi: en introduktion till världsekonomin. Upplaga 15. Lund: Studentlitteratur; 2020.

Tidskriftsföreningen Fronesis. Arbete. Stockholm: Tidskriftsfören. Fronesis; 2002.

Baudrillard J. . Telos Press; 1975.

The Mirror of Production

Marx K. . [Ny utg.]. Göteborg: Proletärkultur; 1981.

Till kritiken av den politiska ekonomin

Alan Christopher Finlayson, Thomas A. Lyson, Andrew Pleasant, Kai A. Schafft and Robert J. Torres "Invisible Hand": Neoclassical Economics and the Ordering of Society" Critical Sociology 2005 31: 515

DOI: 10.1163/156916305774482183

Backhaus, H. G. (1969). Zur Dialektik der Wertform. Thesis Eleven, 1(1), 42-76. (In German)

Granberg, M. (2015). The ideal worker as real abstraction: labour conflict and subjectivity in nursing. Work, Employment and Society, 29(5), 792–807.


Granberg, Magnus "Reactionary radicalism and the analysis of worker subjectivity in Marx's critique of political economy"

Mau, Søren (2018). Den dobbelte fordrejning: Begrebet fetichisme i kritikken af den politiske økonomi. Slagmark - Tidsskrift for idéhistorie, (77), 103–122.


Paul Trawick and . (2015) Revisiting the Image of Limited Good: On Sustainability, Thermodynamics, and the Illusion of Creating Wealth, Current Anthropology, Vol. 56, No. 1 pp. 1-27, The University of Chicago Press on behalf of Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research

Alf Hornborg

1995–2004 Conference Papers – Critique Of Political Economy / International Working Group on Value Theory (COPE-IWGVT)

A collection of material related to Engels and Marx's critique of political economy

Critique of Political Economy – a 2016 edition of the philosophy journal: crisis and critique

(Fall 2015). Capitalism, Temporality, and the Crisis of Labor. Ellen Maria Gorrissen lectures. A lecture regarding Marx's critique of political economy.

Postone, Moishe

Texts translated to english from a contemporary German group critical of political economy