2018 - (additional orchestrations)
Mary Poppins Returns
2010 - (additional orchestrations)
2009 - (TV special) (orchestrator)
The 63rd Annual Tony Awards
2005 - (TV movie) (lead orchestrator)
Once Upon a Mattress
2005 - (additional orchestrator: score)
The Producers
2004 - (conductor, music arranger, orchestrator)
2004 - (additional orchestrator)
Home on the Range
2001 - (TV movie) (song orchestrator)
South Pacific
2001 - (video) (conductor: score, orchestrator)
Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure
2000 - (video) (conductor: score, orchestrator: score)
The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea
2000 - (TV movie) (song orchestrator)
1999 - (TV movie) (musical underscore, orchestrator)
1998 - (music adaptor, music arranger: songs, musician: piano, orchestrator)
Cousin Bette
1997 - (TV movie) (composer: additional music, music adaptor, music arranger: songs)
1997 - (music arranger, orchestrator)
1996 - (additional score orchestrator)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1995 - (conductor: score, music arranger: songs, orchestrator)
1995 - (arranger & orchestrator: "After Today")
A Goofy Movie
1994 - (additional arrangement: song)
The Lion King
1992 - (orchestrations: song and score, songs arranged by)
1992 - (music arranger: vocal arrangements, songs orchestrated & conducted)
1992 - (orchestrator)
Shining Through
2000 - (video)
The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea
1997 - (segment "Trevor")
Boys Life 2
1998 - (music: "The Other Side of Heaven", "The Tiger Song", "The Devil Song", "Farewell, My Friends", "Le Carilloneur" / lyrics: "The Other Side of Heaven", "The Tiger Song", "The Devil Song", "Farewell, My Friends", "Le Carilloneur" / performer: "Spera O'Marinar", "Nelly's Air" / "Wedding Polka", "Wedding Waltz", "Can Can")
Cousin Bette
1997 - (TV movie) (music: "Transformation")