Katana VentraIP

De la Conquête de Constantinople

De la Conquête de Constantinople (On the Conquest of Constantinople) is the oldest surviving example of French historical prose and one of the most important sources for the Fourth Crusade. It was written by Geoffrey of Villehardouin, a knight and crusader, who was an eyewitness of the sack of Constantinople on 13 April 1204.

A — Paris, , fr. 4972

Bibliothèque nationale de France

B — Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fr. 2137

C — Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fr. 12204

D — Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fr. 12203

E — Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, fr. 24210

O — Oxford, , Laud. Misc. 587

Bodleian Library

There are six principal manuscripts of De la Conquête.[1] By their conventional sigla, they are:[2]

These manuscripts are usually placeded in two groups, I (AO) and II (BCDE), with I being the older and textually more valuable.[3] Another manuscript belonging to group I and now lost was brought to Venice in 1541 by the ambassador Francesco Contarini. A literal translation into Italian was made from the Contarini manuscript by Giovanni Battista Ramusio, which survives in two manuscripts, now Cod. Marc. it. VII 138 (8749) and Cod. Marc. it. VII 139 (8324) in the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana in Venice.[4]

Beer, Jeanette M. A. Villehardouin: Epic Historian, Librarie Droz, 1968

Burckhardt, Jacob. Judgement on History and Historians, Garland Publishing, 1984

Godfrey, John. 1204: The Unholy Crusade, Oxford University Press, 1980

Joinville and Villehardouin. Chronicles of the Crusades, Penguin Books, 1963

Michaud, Joseph Francois. Michaud's History of the Crusades, AMS Press, 1973

Queller, Donald E. The Fourth Crusade, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977

Reginato, Irene; Burgio, Eugenio (2015). "Foundation Myths and Trade Conflicts: Ramusio, the Fourth Crusade and the Venetian Merchants' Crisis in the Sixteenth Century". In David A. Lines; Marc Laureys; Jill Kraye (eds.). Forms of Conflict and Rivalries in Renaissance Europe. V&R unipress. pp. 131–159.

Reginato, Irene (2016). . Romania. 134 (533): 31–76. doi:10.3406/roma.2016.7489.

"Le Manuscrit Contarini de la Conquête de Constantinople dans un témoin indirect: Ramusio traducteur de Villehardouin"

(1911). "Villehardouin, Geoffroy de" . In Chisholm, Hugh (ed.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 28 (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press. pp. 78–79. This contains a summary and critical review of the work.

Saintsbury, George

Smalley, Beryl (1974). Historians in the Middle Ages. Thames and Hudson.  0-684-14121-3.


Archived 2013-10-11 at the Wayback Machine - English translation

Memoirs or Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The Conquest of Constantinople

Archived 2012-10-11 at the Wayback Machine - Some of the original text parsed

Old French Online, Lesson 7

The full text available online, edition of , on Google Books (contains translated words in modern French, inserted by the editor), 1828, Paris.

Jean Alexandre Buchon























