List of songs by Franz Schubert
The following is a list of the complete secular vocal output composed by Franz Schubert (31 January 1797 – 19 November 1828).
It is divided into eleven sections, and attempts to reflect the most current information with regards to Schubert's catalogue. The works contained in this list refer to those found primarily in the following two series of the New Schubert Edition (NSE) edition:
Note however that some of Schubert's song cycles contain both Lieder and part songs.
The list below includes the following information:
No. 2 D 542, Duet "Antigone und Oedip" ['Ihr hohen Himmlischen'] for two voices and piano (1817)
D 328, Song "" ['Wer reitet so spät durch Nacht und Wind?'] for voice and piano (1815, 4th version). Lyrics by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
D 17, Composition exercises on "Quell’ innocente figlio" ['Quell’ innocente figlio'] for various vocal ensembles, Arie dell’ Angelo (1812?, also appears as "Aria dell’ Angelo"; 9 settings; No. 1 Solo for soprano; No. 2 Duo for two sopranos; No. 3 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 4 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 5 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 6 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 7 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 8 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 9 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass)
D 33, Composition exercises on "Entra l'uomo allor che nasce" ['Entra l'uomo allor che nasce'] for various vocal ensembles, Aria di Abramo (1812, also appears as "Aria di Abramo"; 6 settings; No. 1 for soprano; No. 2 Duo for soprano and alto; No. 3 Trio for soprano, alto and tenor; No. 4 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 5 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass; No. 6 Quartet for soprano, alto, tenor and bass)
D 34, Composition exercises on "Te solo adoro" ['Te solo adoro'] for soprano, alto, tenor and bass (1812, 2 settings; 2nd setting is a fragment)
D 35, Composition exercises on "Serbate, o Dei custodi" ['Serbate, o Dei custodi'] for various vocal ensembles (1812, 3 settings; No. 1 Quartet for soprano, alto tenor and bass; No. 2 Chorus for mixed choir; No. 3 Solo for tenor)
D 619, Vocal exercises for two voices and figured bass "Singübungen" (1818, figured bass usually realized for piano)
D deest, Canon ["?"] ['?'] in C major for five voices (1826?)
D 988A, Accompaniment part in B-flat major for piano (after 1820, fragment; for a multi-part vocal composition?)
D deest, Sketch of a composition "?" ['?'] for unspecified voices and orchestra (1811?, sketch)
D deest, Aria "?" ['?'] for bass and piano (?) (1812, sketch; also appears as "Allegretto in D major")
D deest, Vocal composition "?" ['?'] for mixed choir (?) (1818?, fragment without text)
D deest, Accompaniment for a vocal composition "?" ['?'] (1821?, fragment)
D deest, Vocal composition "?" ['?'] for unspecified voices (1821?, fragment)
D deest, Fragment of a cantata (?) "?" ['?'] for unspecified soloists, choir and orchestra (date unknown, fragment without text)
D deest, Song (?) "...doch stärker ist die Mutterliebe" ['?'] for voice (?) and orchestra (date unknown, fragment; lost)
D deest, Song (?) or piano piece (?) "Lieder für das Pianoforte" ['?'] for voice (?) and/or piano (?) (date unknown, lost)
D Anh. I,25, Cantata "Drum Schwester und Brüder" ['Drum Schwester und Brüder singt fröhliche Lieder'] for voice (?), choir, violin, violoncello and other unknown instruments (1819, fragment; only violin and violoncello parts are extant)
D Anh. I,26, Trio or Quartet "Sturmbeschwörung" ['Nirgends Rettung, nirgends Land'] for two sopranos and alto (?) or two sopranos and two altos (?) (date unknown, fragment; only one soprano part is extant)
D Anh. I,28, Song "Klage (Nimmer länger trag ich)" ['Nimmer länger trag ich dieser Leiden Last'] for voice and piano, Nimmer länger trag ich [formerly D 512] (ca. 1817, presumably not by Schubert)
D Anh. I,29, Song " Kaiser Ferdinand II." ['Was reget die Stadt sich in freudiger Hast?'] for voice and piano (1809?, doubtful)
D deest, Trio "Scherz-Terzett" ['Mala musica, bona musica?'] for three altos (1812, doubtful)
D deest, Song "Die Nacht" ['Die Nacht bricht an, mit leisen Lüften sinket'] for voice and guitar (after 1816?, doubtful; accompaniment part by Franz Xaver Baron von Schlechta; voice part by Schubert?)
D deest, Song (?) "Seliges Genügen" ['?'] for unspecified voice(s)/instrument(s) (date unknown, lost)
D Anh. I,27, Song "Drei Chöre mit Bläsern" ['Lieblich ist, wenn sanftes Grau; Leb wohl, geliebte Freundin; O Zeit, wie manchen herben Schmerz'] for male choir, two horns and two bassoons (date unknown, fragment; not by Schubert)
D Anh. I,30, Song "Mein Frieden" ['Ferne, ferne flammen helle Sterne'] for voice and piano (pub. 1823, composition by Franz Anton Schubert)
D Anh. I,31, Song "Adieu! (Lebe wohl!)" ['Voici l'instant suprême; Schon naht, um uns zu scheiden'] for voice and piano (pub. 1824, composition by August Heinrich von Weyrauch)
D Anh. III,1, Nine Canons "Neun Kanons" ['Es packe dich das Glück beim Kragen; Vom Glück sei alles dir beschert; Glück fehl dir vor allem; Wohlsein und Freude; Drum habe Dank, o Vater Hayden; Adam hat siebn Söhn; Cato, Plato, Cicero; Was i beim Tag mit der Leiern gwinn; Alleluia'] for four or more voices (ca. 1810 copy; compositions by , Joseph Haydn, Josef Otter, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and anonymous composers)
Michael Haydn
D Anh. III,2, Song "Die Teilung der Erde" ['Nehmt hin die Welt! rief Zeus aus seinen Höhen'] for voice and piano (ca. 1810 copy; composition by Franz de Paula Roser)
D Anh. III,4, Canon "Kanon (Hoffnung Kind des Himmels)" ['Hoffnung Kind des Himmels'] from the Singspiel "Elbondocani" for two sopranos, tenor, bass and piano (1813? copy; composition by )
Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg
D Anh. III,5, Trio "Chor der Derwische" ['Ein Gott, ein wahrer Gott ist nur'] for two tenors and bass (1813? copy; composition by )
Johann Rudolf Zumsteeg
D Anh. III,7, Scene "Monolog aus Goethes ‘Iphigenie’ " ['Heraus in eure Schatten'] for voice, women’s choir and piano ['Heraus in eure Schatten'] (1815 copy; composition by )
Johann Friedrich Reichardt
D Anh. III,9, Song " (Hier liegt vor deiner Majestät)" for voice and organ (copy of the organ part lost; composition by Michael Haydn)
Deutsches Hochamt
D Anh. III,11, Canon "Laß immer in der Jugend Glanz" ['Laß immer in der Jugend Glanz'], /Anh. 134/440d/484d (score), for two voices [formerly D 92] (copy lost; composition by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart)
K. 410
D Anh. III,12, Canon "Selig alle, die im Herrn entschliefen" ['Selig alle, die im Herrn entschliefen'], KV 382b, for two voices [formerly D 127] (copy lost; composition by )
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
D Anh. III,13, Song "Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel" ['Wenn die Sonne niedersinket'], WoO 150, for voice and piano (1820 copy; composition by )
Ludwig van Beethoven
(various editors and editions)
Franz Schubert's Works
(various editions)
Schubert Thematic Catalogue
(various editors and publication dates)
Neue Schubert-Ausgabe
and Peter Branscombe. Schubert Studies: Problems of Style and Chronology. Cambridge University Press, 1982. Reprint 2008. ISBN 0521088720 ISBN 9780521088725 ISBN 9780521226066
Eva Badura-Skoda
. Schubert: The Music and the Man. University of California Press, 1999. ISBN 0520219570 ISBN 9780520219571
Brian Newbould
Reinhard Van Hoorickx. in Revue belge de Musicologie/Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap, Vol. 25, No. 1/4, pp. 68–97, 1971
"Franz Schubert (1797–1828) List of the Dances in Chronological Order"
Reinhard Van Hoorickx. in Revue belge de Musicologie/Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Muziekwetenschap, Vol. 28/30, pp. 136–171, 1974–1976.
"Thematic Catalogue of Schubert's Works: New Additions, Corrections and Notes"
(in German) on-line copy of the 1978 version of the Deutsch catalogue at archive.org
Franz Schubert, Thematisches Verzeichnis seiner Werke in chronologischer Folge
at schubert-online.at by Austrian Academy of Sciences (OAW)
555 on-line autographs of compositions by Schubert, ordered by D. number
(downloadable recordings of songs by Schubert)