Katana VentraIP

Description de l'Égypte

The Description de l'Égypte ("Description of Egypt") was a series of publications, appearing first in 1809 and continuing until the final volume appeared in 1829, which aimed to comprehensively catalog all known aspects of ancient and modern Egypt as well as its natural history. It is the collaborative work of about 160 civilian scholars and scientists, known popularly as the savants, who accompanied Bonaparte's expedition to Egypt in 1798 to 1801 as part of the French Revolutionary Wars, as well as about 2000 artists and technicians, including 400 engravers, who would later compile it into a full work. At the time of its publication, it was the largest known published work in the world.[1]

For other uses, see Description de l'Égypte (disambiguation).


Description de l'Égypte


French government



The full title of the work is Description de l'Égypte, ou Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l'expédition de l'armée française, publié par les orders de Sa Majesté l'Empereur Napoléon le Grand (English: Description of Egypt, or the collection of observations and researches which were made in Egypt during the expedition of the French Army, published by the order of His Majesty the Emperor, Napoleon the Great). The cartographic section, Carte de l'Égypte, had approximately 50 plates of maps, was the first triangulation-based map of Egypt, Syria and Palestine, and was used as the basis for most maps of the region for much of the nineteenth century.[2][3] In Edward Said's Orientalism, Said refers to the "enormous" series critically as "that great collective appropriation of one country by another".[4]

False reports on destruction of the originals[edit]

It was incorrectly reported that the original manuscript of the Description de l'Égypte was destroyed in a fire at the Institut d'Égypte (Egyptian Scientific Institute) on December 17, 2011, during clashes between protestors and the military.[11][12] In fact, the burnt building's collection had contained a set of the 23-volume first print edition, which was saved without irreparable damage.[13] Furthermore, according to a statement by the country's minister of culture, at least two more complete sets of the same original edition remained in Egypt.[14] The majority of the original manuscript material for the Description resides in Paris' National Archives and National Library.

Book 01 (1809), Volume I – Antiquités, Descriptions.

Book 02 (1818), Volume II – Antiquités, Descriptions.

Book 03 (1809), Volume I – Antiquités, Mémoires.

Book 04 (1818), Volume II – Antiquités, Mémoires.

Book 05 (1809), Volume I – Etat Moderne.

Book 06 (1822), Volume II – Etat Moderne.

Book 07 (1822), Volume II – Etat Moderne (2´ Partie).

Book 08 (1809), Volume I – Histoire Naturelle.

Book 09 (1813), Volume II – Histoire Naturelle.

Book 10 (18xx), Volume I – Préface et explication des planches.

Book 11 (1809), Volume I – Planches: Antiquités.

Book 12 (18xx), Volume II – Planches: Antiquités.

Book 13 (18xx), Volume III – Planches: Antiquités.

Book 14 (18xx), Volume IV – Planches: Antiquités.

Book 15 (1822), Volume V – Planches: Antiquités.

Book 16 (1809), Volume I – Planches: Etat Moderne.

Book 17 (1817), Volume II - Planches: Etat Moderne.

Book 18 (1809), Volume I – Planches: Histoire Naturelle.

Book 19 (1809), Volume II – Planches: Histoire Naturelle.

Book 20 (1809), Volume IIbis – Planches: Histoire Naturelle.

Book 21 (18xx), Volume I – Planches: Antiquités ("Mammutfolio").

Book 22 (18xx), Volume I – Planches: Etat Moderne ("Mammutfolio").

Book 23 (1818), Volume I – Planches: Carte géographiques et topographique ("Mammutfolio").

List of most expensive books and manuscripts


[in Hebrew] (1960). "An Analysis of Jacotin's Map of Palestine". Israel Exploration Journal. 10 (3): 155–173. JSTOR 27924824.

Karmon, Yehuda

Schelhaas, Bruno; Faehndrich, Jutta; Goren, Haim (28 February 2017). . Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 978-0-85772-785-5.

Mapping the Holy Land: The Foundation of a Scientific Cartography of Palestine

Description de l'Egypte, Taschen, 2002,  3-8228-2168-3


Atlas of Ancient Egypt, John Baines & Jaromir Malek, The American University in Cairo Press, 2002,  977-424-704-3



Danish Royal Library

(Gallica) 1

Bibliothèque nationale de France

Internet Article: The Napoleonic Institute of Egypt, Melanie Byrd 1

The International Napoleonic Society

Al-Ahram Weekly On-line, Internet Article: The true father of Egyptology, John Rodenbeck


Gallica (Bibliothèque nationale de France), the 24 volumes text of the second edition

(flash only)

(Bibliotheca Alexandrina) International School of Information Science - ISIS, 11 plate volumes owned by BA and 9 text volumes owned by l'Institut d'Egypte

Description de l'Égypte; ou, Recueil de observations et des recherches qui ont été faites en Égypte pendant l'éxpédition de l'armée française / publié par les ordres de Sa Majesté l'empereur Napoléon le Grand. Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1809–1828. TEXT: Antiquitiés: Descriptions, tome 1-2 -- Mémoires, tome 1-2 -- Etat moderne, tome 1, tome 2, tome 2 pt. 2 -- Histoire naturelle, tome 1-2 -- Préface et explication des planches. PLANCHES: Antiquitiés, tome 1-5 -- Etate moderne, tome 1-2 -- Histoire naturelle, tome 1 & 2, pt. 1 & 2 -- Carte topographique de l'Egypte et de plusieurs parties des pars limitrophes (Mammmutfolio), tome 1–3. 23 v.: ill.; 100 cm.,

State Library of New South Wales Australia, RB/BX932A/52

"Sultan Hassan Mosque" description, edn Panckoucke, v. 18.2, p. 304-306, (French).
