
A decision cycle is said to occur when an explicitly specified decision model is used to guide a decision and then the outcomes of that decision are assessed against the need for the decision. This cycle includes specification of desired results (the decision need), tracking of outcomes, and assessment of outcomes against the desired results.

In , PDCA (Plan–Do–Check–Act) is used.[2]

quality control

In , the scientific method (Observation–Hypothesis–Experiment–Evaluation) can also be seen as a decision cycle.[3][4]


In the , a theory of an OODA loop (Observe–Orient–Decide–Act) has been advocated by Colonel John Boyd.[5]

United States Armed Forces

In the methodology, the Build-Measure-Learn loop is used to guide product development.[6]

lean startup

In , Herbert A. Simon proposed a decision cycle of three steps (Intelligence–Design–Choice).[7] Much later, other scholars expanded his framework to five steps (Intelligence–Design–Choice–Implementation–Learning).[8]


In , the design process is often conceived as a decision cycle (or design cycle), such as Robert McKim's ETC (Express–Test–Cycle).[9][4]

design thinking

In the time management method, workflow consists of a cycle of five stages (Collect–Process–Organize–Do–Review).[10]

Getting Things Done

In the , the ADPIE (Assessment–Diagnosis–Planning–Implementation–Evaluation) process is used.[11] Alternatively, the ASPIRE (Assessment–Systematic Nursing Diagnosis–Planning–Implementation–Recheck–Evaluation) model includes an additional stage—Recheck—in between Implementation and Evaluation.[12]

nursing process

In , the transtheoretical model posits five stages of intentional change (Precontemplation–Contemplation–Preparation–Action–Maintenance). These stages were initially conceived as linear, but John C. Norcross said that for many people the stages are more appropriately viewed as a cycle (Psych–Prep–Perspire–Persist–Relapse).[13]


In , the use of a program cycle, "codified in the Automated Directive Systems (ADS) 201, is USAID's operational model for planning, delivering, assessing, and adapting development programming in a given region or country to achieve more effective and sustainable results in order to advance U.S. foreign policy".[14] Relatedly, within the agency there exists resources regarding adaptive management decision cycles.[15]