The (also Archduke of Austria and King of Hungary) (Emperor Leopold II)

King of Bohemia

The (Frederick Charles Joseph of Erthal)

Archbishop of Mainz

The (Clement Wenceslaus of Saxony)

Archbishop of Trier

The (Maximilian Francis of Austria)

Archbishop of Cologne

The (also Duke of Bavaria) (Charles IV Theodore)

Count Palatine of the Rhine

The (Frederick Augustus III)

Duke of Saxony

The (King of Prussia) (Frederick William II)

Margrave of Brandenburg

The Duke of (Elector of Hanover, King of Great Britain) (George III)


List of states in the Holy Roman Empire

Val Rozn, (1999–2009)

"The Secular Voices in the Council of Princes (Fürstenrat) of the Imperial Assembly (Reichstag) in 1582"

G. Oestreich und E. Holzer,

'Übersicht über die Reichsstände'. in Bruno Gebhardt: Handbuch der Deutschen Geschichte. 9. Auflage, Bd. 2. Ernst Ketler Verlag, Stuttgart. 1973. pp. 769–784.