Discrete global grid
A discrete global grid (DGG) is a mosaic that covers the entire Earth's surface. Mathematically it is a space partitioning: it consists of a set of non-empty regions that form a partition of the Earth's surface.[1] In a usual grid-modeling strategy, to simplify position calculations, each region is represented by a point, abstracting the grid as a set of region-points. Each region or region-point in the grid is called a cell.
When each cell of a grid is subject to a recursive partition, resulting in a "series of discrete global grids with progressively finer resolution",[2] forming a hierarchical grid, it is called a hierarchical DGG (sometimes "global hierarchical tessellation"[3]
or "DGG system").
Discrete global grids are used as the geometric basis for the building of geospatial data structures. Each cell is related with data objects or values, or (in the hierarchical case) may be associated with other cells. DGGs have been proposed for use in a wide range of geospatial applications, including vector and raster location representation, data fusion, and spatial databases.[1]
The most usual grids are for horizontal position representation, using a standard datum, like WGS84. In this context, it is common also to use a specific DGG as foundation for geocoding standardization.
In the context of a spatial index, a DGG can assign unique identifiers to each grid cell, using it for spatial indexing purposes, in geodatabases or for geocoding.
The "globe", in the DGG concept, has no strict semantics, but in geodesy a so-called "grid reference system" is a grid that divides space with precise positions relative to a datum, that is an approximated a "standard model of the Geoid". So, in the role of Geoid, the "globe" covered by a DGG can be any of the following objects:
As a global modeling process, modern DGGs, when including projection process, tend to avoid surfaces like cylinder or a conic solids that result in discontinuities and indexing problems. Regular polyhedra and other topological equivalents of sphere led to the most promising known options to be covered by DGGs,[1] because "spherical projections preserve the correct topology of the Earth – there are no singularities or discontinuities to deal with".[4]
When working with a DGG it is important to specify which of these options was adopted. So, the characterization of the reference model of the globe of a DGG can be summarized by:
NOTE: when the DGG is covering a projection surface, in a context of data provenance, the metadata about reference-Geoid is also important — typically informing its ISO 19111's CRS value, with no confusion with the projection surface.
The main distinguishing feature to classify or compare DGGs is the use or not of hierarchical grid structures:
Other usual criteria to classify a DGG are tile-shape and granularity (grid resolution):
Non-hierarchical grids[edit]
The most common class of discrete global grids are those that place cell center points on longitude/latitude meridians and parallels, or which use the longitude/latitude meridians and parallels to form the boundaries of rectangular cells. Examples of such grids, all based on latitude/longitude: