Distinguished Fellow of the British Computer Society (DistFBCS)

"outstanding contribution to the advancement of computing"[1]


1969 (1969)

33 as of 2020

The contribution to computing should be seen in terms of major importance to the overall development of computing, with substantial personal recognition through peer review over a substantial and sustained career. There is no restriction on nomination on the grounds of nationality or of existing membership of BCS and nominations from business, industrial, research or academic backgrounds are equally acceptable and work of either a practical or theoretical nature may be equally valid.

At any time, both the work and the stature of the individual nominated should be commensurate with the standards set by previous recipients although it is not expected that there will be more than one Distinguished Fellow elected every two years.

Any candidate for Distinguished Fellowship should be considered against the following criteria:

To be elected, the nomination must be on the Trustee Board Agenda, and at least 3/4 of those present must resolve in favour.