Dreampunk emerged in the mid-2010s. Many early dreampunk artists drew influence from film scores,[2] vaporwave,[3] and drum and bass.[4] Dreampunk originates from the debut of 2814, the ambient duo composed of Luke Laurila (t e l e p a t h テレパシー能力者) and David Russo (Hong Kong Express).[5] The name is derived from the word cyberpunk because of its frequent use of imagined metropolitan spaces in its sound design, evoking the experience of walking through a futuristic city.[6]
Musical characteristics[edit]
Dreampunk primarily draws from sounds of the city,[31] science fiction,[15][32] surrealism,[30] loneliness,[31] love,[33] and dreams.[4] Musicians such as Vangelis,[23] Burial,[3] and Aphex Twin, as well as East Asian cinema[15] and anime,[2] are common inspirations within dreampunk.
Rain is a frequent field recording choice, often used as a callback to the ambience of future-noir film Blade Runner which focuses on palpable atmosphere and worldbuilding rather than plot or action.[34][12] This concentration on atmosphere gives the music an immersive and dreamlike quality. This quality is further heightened by the frequent use of cassette tapes in recording and distribution.