Katana VentraIP

European Consortium for Political Research

The European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) is a scholarly association that supports and encourages the training, research and cross-national cooperation of many thousands of academics and graduate students specialising in political science and all its sub-disciplines. ECPR membership is institutional rather than individual and, at its inception in 1970,[1] comprised eight members (Bergen, Gothenburg, Essex, Leiden, Mannheim, Nuffield College (Oxford), Strathclyde and Paris (FNSP)). Membership has now grown to encompass more than 350 institutions throughout Europe, with associate members spread around the world.

"ECPR" redirects here. For the medical term, see extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The ECPR has close links with similar organisations, such as the American Political Science Association (APSA), European national associations and the International Political Science Association (IPSA).

General conference


Joint Sessions of Workshops


Methods School


Futures Lab


House Lectures


Cora Maas Award


Dirk-Berg-Schlosser Award


Hans Daalder Prize


Hedley Bull Prize in International Relations


Jacqui Briggs EPS Prize


Jean Blondel PhD Prize


Joni Lovenduski PhD Prize in Gender and Politics


Lifetime Achievement Award


Mattei Dogan Foundation Prize


Political Theory Prize


Rising Star Award


Rudolf Wildenmann Prize


Stein Rokkan Prize for Comparative Social Science Research

Comparative Politics Series, with Oxford University Press


(EJIR), with Sage

European Journal of International Relations

(EJPR), with Wiley-Blackwell

European Journal of Political Research

(EPS), with Palgrave Macmillan

European Political Science

(EPSR), with Cambridge University Press

European Political Science Review

Political Research Exchange (PRX), with Routledge Taylor & Francis


The Loop, ECPR's in-house political science blog


The following academic journals and book series are published by ECPR, in conjunction with other academic publishers:

ECPR Press[edit]

ECPR Press[23] publishes original research across all fields of political science, international relations and political thought, without restriction in approach or regional focus. It is also open to interdisciplinary work with a predominant political dimension.

Standing Groups and Research Networks[edit]

ECPR Standing Groups[24] encourage collaboration between scholars specialising in the same area of research. Their informal structure allows closer exchange of ideas.

Standing groups are open to individuals in ECPR member institutions as well as those from non-ECPR institutions.

Official website