Firth of Forth
The Firth of Forth (Scottish Gaelic: Linne Foirthe) is the estuary, or firth, of several Scottish rivers including the River Forth. It meets the North Sea with Fife on the north coast and Lothian on the south.[2]
For the Genesis song, see Firth of Fifth.Firth of Forth
Firth is a cognate of fjord, a Norse word meaning a narrow inlet.
Forth stems from the name of the river; this is *Vo-rit-ia (slow running) in Proto-Celtic, yielding Foirthe in Old Gaelic and Gweryd in Welsh.[3]
It was known as Bodotria in Roman times. In the Norse sagas it was known as the Myrkvifiörd.[4] An early Welsh name is Merin Iodeo, or the "Sea of Iudeu".[5]
North shore
South shore