Friday on My Mind (miniseries)
Friday On My Mind is an Australian television drama miniseries, based on the lives of Australian rock band The Easybeats, which first screened on the ABC in November 2017. The series is produced by Playmaker Media and was written by Christopher Lee and directed by Matthew Saville.[1]
Friday on My Mind
Christopher Lee
Matthew Saville
Ashley Zukerman
Christian Byers
Will Rush
Arthur McBain
Mackenzie Fearnley
Du Toit Bredenkamp
Simon Chapman
180 minutes
26 November
3 December 2017
Friday On My Mind received largely positive reviews from the press. Luke Buckmaster from The Guardian Australia praised it by saying: "Easybeats biopic plays like a concert you don't want to end".[2] The acting in the series was praised, in particular Will Rush and Christian Byers.[3] Although, overall the series was praised, critics did point out that the second episode wasn't as strong as the first.[4][5]