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Front (military formation)

A front (Russian: фронт, front) is a type of military formation that originated in the Russian Empire, and has been used by the Polish Army, the Red Army, the Soviet Army, and Turkey. It is roughly equivalent to an army group in the military of most other countries. It varies in size but in general contains three to five armies.[2] It should not be confused with the more general usage of military front, describing a geographic area in wartime.

Russian Empire[edit]

After the outbreak of the First World War, the Russian General Headquarters set up two Fronts: Northwestern Front, uniting forces deployed against German Empire, and Southwestern Front, uniting forces deployed against Austria-Hungary.

In August 1915, Northwestern Front was split into Northern Front and Western Front.

At the end of 1916 Romanian Front was established, which also included remnants of the Romanian army.

In April 1917, Caucasus Front was established by the reorganization of the Caucasus Army.

(15 September 1918 – 19 February 1919)

Northern Front

(12 February 1919 – 8 April 1924)

Western Front

(10 January 1920 – 5 December 1920)

Southwestern Front

(September 1918 – January 1920 and September – December 1920)

Southern Front

(30 September 1919 – 16 January 1920).

Southeastern Front

(13 June 1918 – 15 January 1920)

Eastern Front

(23 February 1919 – 4 June 1926)

Turkestan Front

(January – June 1919)

Ukrainian Front

(8 December 1918 – 13 March 1919)

Caspian-Caucasian Front

(16 January 1920 – 29 May 1921)

Caucasian Front

The Soviet fronts were first raised during the Russian Civil War. They were wartime organizations only, in the peacetime the fronts were normally disbanded and their armies organized back into military districts. Usually a single district formed a single front at the start of the hostilities, or when hostilities were anticipated. Some military districts could not form a front. Fronts were also formed during the Polish-Soviet War of 1920.

The main fronts during the Russian Civil War and Polish-Soviet War were :

1st Baltic Front

– Created 18 December 1941, to take sector between the Western and Southwestern Fronts. Disbanded 11/12 March 1943. Reformed from Orel Front 28 March 1943.

Bryansk Front


Caucasus Front

Central Front

– formed January 1942 to reconquer the Crimea, incorporating 44th, 47th, and 51st Armies

Crimean Front

Don Front

Far East Front

1st Far East Front

– the Kalinin Front was formally established by Stavka directive on 17 October 1941, and allocated three armies – 22nd, 29th and 30th.[4] Renamed 1st Baltic Front Oct–Dec 1943.[5]

Kalinin Front

– formed from Northern Front, along with Leningrad Front, on 23 August 1941.

Karelian Front

Kursk Front

– formed from Northern Front, along with Karelian Front, on 23 August 1941.

Leningrad Front

Moscow Defence Zone

Moscow Reserve Front

Mozhaysk Line of Defense

– redesignated TC Front's Black Sea Group of Forces, 1 September 1942

North Caucasus Front

– formed from Leningrad Military District on 24 June 1941

Northern Front

– formed from Baltic Special Military District on 22 June 1941

Northwestern Front

– created 24 March 1943 to defend opposite the tip of the German salient east of Orel. Composed of Western Front's 61st Army, Central Front's 3rd Army, and 15th Air Army. Redesignated Bryansk Front 28 March 1943.

Orel Front

Army Group of Primorye

– Front of Reserve Armies formed 14 July 1941

Reserve Front

– formed from armies on Stalingrad Front's left wing, 7 August 1942. Redesignated Stalingrad Front 28 September 1942.

Southeastern Front

– renamed 4th Ukrainian Front 20 October 1943.

Southern Front

– Formed initially on 22 June 1941. Reestablished 22 October 1942 between Don and Voronezh Fronts. Renamed 3rd Ukrainian Front 20 October 1943.

Southwestern Front

– Along with Voronezh Front, formed from remnants of Southwestern Front July 1942. Became Don Front 28 September 1942.

Stalingrad Front

– renamed 2nd Ukrainian Front 20 October 1943.

Steppe Front

Transbaikal Front

– formed 23 August 1941

Transcaucasian Front

1st Ukrainian Front

– formed 17 December 1941

Volkhov Front

– renamed 1st Ukrainian Front 20 October 1943.

Voronezh Front

– formed from Western Special Military District on 22 June 1941

Western Front

Army groups differ from fronts in that a Soviet front typically had its own army-sized tactical fixed-wing aviation organization.[3] According to Soviet military doctrine, the air army was directly subordinated to the front commander (typically a ground commander). The reform of 1935 established that in case of a war the peacetime military districts on the border would split upon mobilisation each into a Front Command (taking control of the district's peacetime military formations) and a Military District Command (which stayed behind with the mission of mobilising the reserve formations and putting them at the disposal of the Fronts as replacement troops). In that sense the Air Armies were under Air Force command in peacetime, but under the command of the Front HQs in wartime; and the Fronts were commanded by ground-forces generals. An entire Front might report either to the Stavka or to a theatre of military operations (TVD). A Front was mobilised for a specific operation, after which it could be reformed and tasked with another operation (including a change of the Front's designation) or it could be disbanded - with its formations dispersed among the other active Fronts and its HQ reintegrated into its original Military District HQ.

Soviet and Russian military doctrine calls the different levels in the command chain (including the Fronts) "Organs of Military Control" (Russian: Органы военного управления).

The degree of change in the structure and performance of individual fronts can only be understood when seen in the context of the strategic operations of the Red Army in World War II.

Soviet fronts in the European Theatre during the Second World War from 1941 to 1945:

For constituent armies see List of Soviet armies.


A number of fronts were created by the Second Polish Republic from 1918 to 1939, among them being the Polish Southern Front. See pl:Kategoria:Fronty polskie. In addition, the creation of a Polish Front was considered to group the First and Second Armies of the Polish Armed Forces in the East in 1944, and during the Warsaw Pact period, a Polish Front was created, seemingly as a mobilization-only organization.

The Road to Stalingrad: Stalin's War with Germany, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1975

John Erickson

Colossus Reborn: The Red Army at War 1941–43, University Press of Kansas, 2005

David Glantz