Notions of composition, including the principle of compositionality and composability, are so ubiquitous that numerous strands of research have separately evolved. The following is a sampling of the kind of research in which the notion of composition is central.
Large-scale composition[edit]
Whole programs or systems can be treated as functions, which can be readily composed if their inputs and outputs are well-defined.[5] Pipelines allowing easy composition of filters were so successful that they became a design pattern of operating systems.
Imperative procedures with side effects violate referential transparency and therefore are not cleanly composable. However if one considers the "state of the world" before and after running the code as its input and output, one gets a clean function. Composition of such functions corresponds to running the procedures one after the other. The monad formalism uses this idea to incorporate side effects and input/output (I/O) into functional languages.