Katana VentraIP

Fundamental theorem of arithmetic

In mathematics, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, also called the unique factorization theorem and prime factorization theorem, states that every integer greater than 1 can be represented uniquely as a product of prime numbers, up to the order of the factors.[3][4][5] For example,

Not to be confused with Fundamental theorem of algebra or Fundamental theorem of calculus.

The theorem says two things about this example: first, that 1200 can be represented as a product of primes, and second, that no matter how this is done, there will always be exactly four 2s, one 3, two 5s, and no other primes in the product.

The requirement that the factors be prime is necessary: factorizations containing composite numbers may not be unique (for example, ).

This theorem is one of the main reasons why 1 is not considered a prime number: if 1 were prime, then factorization into primes would not be unique; for example,

The theorem generalizes to other algebraic structures that are called unique factorization domains and include principal ideal domains, Euclidean domains, and polynomial rings over a field. However, the theorem does not hold for algebraic integers.[6] This failure of unique factorization is one of the reasons for the difficulty of the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. The implicit use of unique factorization in rings of algebraic integers is behind the error of many of the numerous false proofs that have been written during the 358 years between Fermat's statement and Wiles's proof.


Canonical representation of a positive integer[edit]

Every positive integer n > 1 can be represented in exactly one way as a product of prime powers

 – Decomposition of a number into a product

Integer factorization

 – Multiset of prime exponents in a prime factorization

Prime signature

Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1986), , translated by Clarke, Arthur A., New York: Springer, ISBN 978-0-387-96254-2

Disquisitiones Arithemeticae (Second, corrected edition)

Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1965), Untersuchungen über hohere Arithmetik (Disquisitiones Arithemeticae & other papers on number theory) (Second edition) (in German), translated by Maser, H., New York: Chelsea,  0-8284-0191-8


The Disquisitiones Arithmeticae has been translated from Latin into English and German. The German edition includes all of his papers on number theory: all the proofs of quadratic reciprocity, the determination of the sign of the Gauss sum, the investigations into biquadratic reciprocity, and unpublished notes.

The two monographs Gauss published on biquadratic reciprocity have consecutively numbered sections: the first contains §§ 1–23 and the second §§ 24–76. Footnotes referencing these are of the form "Gauss, BQ, § n". Footnotes referencing the Disquisitiones Arithmeticae are of the form "Gauss, DA, Art. n".

These are in Gauss's Werke, Vol II, pp. 65–92 and 93–148; German translations are pp. 511–533 and 534–586 of the German edition of the Disquisitiones.

Why isn’t the fundamental theorem of arithmetic obvious?

at cut-the-knot.

GCD and the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

PlanetMath: Proof of fundamental theorem of arithmetic

a blog that covers the history of Fermat's Last Theorem from Diophantus of Alexandria to the proof by Andrew Wiles.

Fermat's Last Theorem Blog: Unique Factorization

by Hector Zenil, Wolfram Demonstrations Project, 2007.

"Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic"

Grime, James, , Numberphile, Brady Haran, archived from the original on 2021-12-11

"1 and Prime Numbers"