Katana VentraIP

General der Panzertruppe

General der Panzertruppe (lit.'General of the Armoured Corps') was a General of the branch rank of the German Army, introduced in 1935. A General der Panzertruppe was a lieutenant general, above major general (Generalleutnant), commanding a Panzer corps.

General of the Armoured Corps
General der Panzertruppe

 Nazi Germany



Rank and rank insignia[edit]

The rank was equivalent to the long established General der Kavallerie, General der Artillerie and General der Infanterie. The Wehrmacht also introduced General der Gebirgstruppe (mountain troops), General der Pioniere (engineers), General der Fallschirmtruppe (parachute troops), General der Flieger (aviators), General der Nachrichtentruppe (communications troops) and General der Luftnachrichtentruppe (air communications troops).


In the present-day German Army, there is a General der Panzertruppen, which is not a rank but a position, who is usually a brigadier general (Brigadegeneral). The General der Panzertruppen commands the Armoured Corps Training Centre. In the Nazi-era Army, the equivalent position was called Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppe.

General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel in 1944

General der Panzertruppe Hasso von Manteuffel in 1944

General der Panzertruppe Erich Brandenberger (left) with Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein in 1941

General der Panzertruppe Erich Brandenberger (left) with Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein in 1941

General der Panzertruppe Ludwig Crüwell (left) in North Africa in 1942

General der Panzertruppe Ludwig Crüwell (left) in North Africa in 1942

Reinhard Stumpf: Die Wehrmacht-Elite. Rang- und Herkunftsstruktur der deutschen Generale und Admirale 1933–1945. Harald Boldt Verlag, Boppard am Rhein, 1982.  3-7646-1815-9.


General (Germany)

Comparative officer ranks of World War II
