Katana VentraIP

Gun data computer

The gun data computer was a series of artillery computers used by the U.S. Army for coastal artillery, field artillery and anti-aircraft artillery applications. For antiaircraft applications they were used in conjunction with a director computer.

M1: This was used by seacoast artillery for major-caliber seacoast guns. It computed continuous firing data for a battery of two guns that were separated by not more than 1,000 feet (300 m). It utilised the same type of input data furnished by a range section with the then-current (1940) types of position-finding and fire-control equipment.

M3: This was used in conjunction with the M9 and M10 directors to compute all required firing data, i.e. , elevation and fuze time. The computations were made continuously, so that the gun was at all times correctly pointed and the fuze correctly timed for firing at any instant. The computer was mounted in the M13 or M14 director trailer.


M4: This was identical to the M3 except for some mechanisms and parts which were altered to allow for different ammunition being used.

M8: This was an electronic computer (using vacuum tube technology) built by and used by coast artillery with medium-caliber guns (up to 8 inches or 200 millimetres). It made the following corrections: wind, drift, Earth's rotation, muzzle velocity, air density, height of site and spot corrections.

Bell Labs

: This was identical to the M8 except for some mechanisms and parts which were altered to accommodate anti-aircraft ammunition and guns.


M10: A ballistics computer, part of the M38 fire control system, for anti-aircraft guns.


M13: A ballistics computer for .

M48 tanks

M14: A ballistics computer for .

M103 heavy tanks

M15: A part of the M35 field artillery fire-control system, which included the M1 gunnery officer console and M27 power supply.

M16: A ballistics computer for tanks.


M18: FADAC (Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer),[2] an all-transistorized general-purpose digital computer[3] manufactured by Amelco (Teledyne Systems, Inc.,)[4] and North AmericanAutonetics.[5] FADAC was first fielded during 1960,[6][7] and was the first semiconductor-based digital electronics field-artillery computer.


M19: A ballistics computer for tanks.


M21: A ballistics computer for tanks.


M23: A mortar ballistics computer.

M26: A fire-control computer for helicopters, (AH-1F).

AH-1 Cobra

M31: A mortar ballistics computer.

M32: A mortar ballistics computer, (handheld).

M1: A ballistics computer for main battle tanks.

M1 Abrams

The Battery Computer System (BCS) AN/GYK-29 was a computer used by the for computing artillery fire mission data. It replaced the Field Artillery Digital Automatic Computer (FADAC) and was small enough to fit into the HMMWV combat vehicle.

United States Army

The AN/GSG-10 TACFIRE system automated command and control functions. It was composed of computers and remote devices such as the Variable Format Message Entry Device (VFMED), the Digital Message Device (DMD) and the Firefinder Field Artillery target acquisition radar system linked by digital communications using existing radio and wire communications equipment. Later in its service life, it also linked with the Battery Computer System (BCS) which had more advanced targeting algorithms.

Field Artillery

Director (military)

Fire-control system

Kerrison Predictor

- US Navy system for 5-inch guns

Mark I Fire Control Computer

Numerical control

Project Manager Battle Command


TM 9-2300 Standard Artillery and Fire Control Materiel dated 1944

TM 9-2300 Artillery Materiel and Associated Equipment. dated May 1949

ST 9-159 Handbook of Ordnance materiel dated 1968

Gun Data Computers, Coast Artillery Journal March–April 1946, pp. 45–47



modern system


Article title




Bell labs patent


Archived at [1]


BCS components