Gun safety
Gun safety is the study and practice of using, transporting, storing and disposing of firearms and ammunition, including the training of gun users, the design of weapons, and formal and informal regulation of gun production, distribution, and usage, for the purpose of avoiding unintentional injury, illness, or death.[1] This includes mishaps like accidental discharge, negligent discharge, and firearm malfunctions, as well as secondary risks like hearing loss, lead poisoning from bullets, and pollution from other hazardous materials in propellants and cartridges. There were 47,000 unintentional firearm deaths worldwide in 2013.[2]
This article is about techniques for the safe handling, possession, and storage of firearms. For political and legal issues concerning firearms, see Gun politics and Gun control. For the part of a firearm called a "safety" or "safety catch", see Safety (firearms).Salt Lake City Police Department:,unloaded%20until%20ready%20to%20use.