Hannah Montana season 2
The second season of Hannah Montana aired on Disney Channel from April 23, 2007 to October 12, 2008. Production of the season began in November 2006, and ended in September 2007. During this season, Miley and Lilly fight more, Oliver gets an alibi to hang out with Hannah Montana, and Miley grows closer to Oliver.
Hannah Montana
April 23, 2007
October 12, 2008
Production on the second season began in Los Angeles, California in November 2006, and concluded in September 2007.
"I Want You to Want Me... to Go to Florida" features the ballad "Ready, Set, Don't Go" by Billy Ray Cyrus. It details his feelings concerning his daughter Miley's move to Los Angeles to star in Hannah Montana, while he stayed behind in Nashville. The episode also features the song "If Cupid Had a Heart", by Julie Griffin, and written by Gordon Pogoda. Mikayla (Selena Gomez), lip-syncs it in the episode. A soundtrack for the season featuring 10 songs sung by Miley Cyrus as Hannah Montana was released on June 26, 2007.
DVD releases[edit]
The second, Wish Gone Amiss Weekend DVD, which was released November 27, 2007, features the "When You Wish You Were the Star" episode and a Hannah Montana bonus "I Wish I May, I Wish I Might: A Guide to Making Wishes" hosted by Jason Earles. The Volume 4: One in a Million DVD which released January 29, 2008, includes four episodes of Hannah Montana. "Lilly's Mom Has Got It Goin' On", "Me and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas and Mr. Jonas", "I Will Always Loathe You" and "That's What Friends Are For?" were included in the DVD. The DVD also features a That's So Raven episode "Run Raven Run", "Come Feud with Me" - the top 10 Disney Channel feuds, as well as the "One in a Million" and "True Friend" music videos. In Australia, following the release of the Complete First Season on DVD in November, Season 2: Part 1 and Season 2: Part 2 were released soon after. In part one, episodes 1-15 were included, while remaining episodes 16-29 were released in part 2. On the case, there are images from the episode "No Sugar, Sugar", but the episode was not released on the disc. A full season collection was released on November 25, 2009.