Hugh S. Johnson
Hugh Samuel Johnson (August 5, 1882 – April 15, 1942) was a United States Army officer, businessman, speech writer, government official and newspaper columnist. He was a member of the Brain Trust of Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1932 to 1934. He wrote numerous speeches for FDR and helped plan the New Deal. Appointed head of the National Recovery Administration (NRA) in 1933, he was highly energetic in his "blue eagle" campaign to reorganize American business to reduce competition and raise wages and prices. Schlesinger (1958) and Ohl (1985) conclude that he was an excellent organizer, but that he was also domineering, abusive, outspoken, and unable to work harmoniously with his peers. He lost control of the NRA in August 1934.[2]
For other people with the same name, see Hugh Johnson (disambiguation).
Hugh S. Johnson
Hugh Samuel Johnson
"Iron Pants"
Fort Scott, Kansas, U.S.
April 15, 1942[1]
Washington, D.C., U.S.
United States