Katana VentraIP


A hydrophone (Ancient Greek: ὕδωρ + φωνή, lit.'water + sound') is a microphone designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound. Most hydrophones are based on a piezoelectric transducer that generates an electric potential when subjected to a pressure change, such as a sound wave.

Not to be confused with hydraulophone, a musical instrument.

A hydrophone can detect airborne sounds, but will be insensitive because it is designed to match the acoustic impedance of water, a denser fluid than air. Sound travels 4.3 times faster in water than in air, and a sound wave in water exerts a pressure 60 times that exerted by a wave of the same amplitude in air. Similarly, a standard microphone can be buried in the ground, or immersed in water if it is put in a waterproof container, but will give poor performance due to the similarly bad acoustic impedance match.

Communication with submarines


Underwater acoustics


Reflection seismology

Pike, John (1999). . Retrieved 28 January 2005.


Watlington, Frank (1979). How to build & use low-cost hydrophones. ( 0830610790)


Unknown. . Retrieved 28 January 2005.


Unknown. (2005) Archived 18 April 2009 at the Wayback Machine. Retrieved 28 January 2005.

Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary: Term 'hydrophone'

Onda Corporation (2015). ''.

Hydrophone Handbook

Report AIR 1/645/17/122/304 - National Archives Kew. Airship Hydrophone experiments.

—Brüel & Kjær Hydrophones and research articles


—Hydrophone introduction at Discovery of Sound in the Sea


—Live hydrophone streams from killer whale habitat


—Using hydrophones to monitor underwater sounds

Passive Acoustic Monitoring

—free instructions

Build your own hydrophone

—useful resource on hydrophones

Precision Acoustics

—contains many wildlife and atmospheric recordings made using hydrophones.

The British Library Sound Archive

Archived 22 February 2015 at the Wayback Machine— High quality manufacturer of Hydrophones.

High-Quality Hydrophones

- Makers of Professional Swimming Pool Leak Detection Hydrophones
