Katana VentraIP

Ibero-American Institute

The Ibero-American Institute or IAI (German: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Spanish: Instituto Ibero-Americano Patrimonio Cultural Prusiano) is an interdisciplinary institution located in Berlin, Germany, for academic and cultural exchange between Germany and Latin America, Spain, Portugal and the Caribbean. It is the largest non-university research center for Latin American Studies outside of Latin America. It also features the largest specialized library in Europe on Latin America, Spain, Portugal and the Caribbean. In addition to a large rare book collection, the IAI collects and preserves magazines, electronic documents, maps, audio media, photographs, videos, DVDs, papers and diverse additional materials.[1] The IAI is a member of the research association CEISAL (Spanish: Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales de América Latina) and the documentation network association REDIAL. Founded in 1930, since 1962 the IAI has been an agency of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. It is located at the Kulturforum near Potsdamer Platz in Berlin-Mitte.



cultural exchange between Germany and the Latin countries

Dr. Barbara Göbel

Potsdamer Straße 37

The Library Department

The Department of Research, Special Collections and Projects

The Department of Central Services.

Today, the IAI is composed of:

The IAI also publishes monographs and periodicals, for example the magazine Ibero-analysis with topics on the politics, economy, society and culture of the South American countries. In Ibero-Online.de appear lectures held at the IAI which can be downloaded in PDF format. Bibliographies from the IAI holdings on certain topics and numerous publications are also available online.

Sound Archives: media including 15,000 LPs; 2,000 singles; 1,000 shellac discs; 4,500 CDs; 900 music cassettes and 1200 tapes.

Map Collection: Latin America, the Iberian Peninsula and former Spanish and Portuguese colonies, comprising an estimated 68,550 printed and 80 hand-drawn maps and 1348 atlases.

Picture Archive: The collection began in 1973 and contains approximately 60,000 photographs and 22,000 slides.

Newspapers: Articles about Spain, Portugal, Latin America and the Caribbean have been collected since the founding of the IAI in 1930. The collection includes an estimated 300,000 clippings. In 1990, the collections of the GDR Institute for International Politics and Economics and the German Institute for Contemporary History (DIZ) of the GDR were added. This includes approximately 76,000 newspaper clippings from the international press. Following digitization, no physical clippings have been collected since 1999.

Estate Collection: Includes the legacies of anthropologist , archaeologist Max Uhle, and photographer Ernst Hugo Brehme. There are also special collections, for example, a graphic collection of Taller de Gráfica Popular and an extensive collection of the Brazilian Literatura de Cordel.

Eduard Seler

Otto Boelitz, 1930–1934

Wilhelm Faupel, 1934–1936

Albrecht Reinecke, 1936–1938

Wilhelm Faupel, 1938–1945

Hermann Hagen, 1947–1957

Hans-Joachim Bock, 1957–1974

Wilhelm Stegmann, 1975–1986

Dietrich Briesemeister, 1987–1999

Günther Maihold, 1999–2004

Barbara Göbel since 2005

Austrian Latin America Institute

Peter Altekrüger: Die Erweiterung der Erwerbungsstrategien einer Spezialbibliothek: Folgerungen aus der Analyse einer fachbezogenen Leihverkehrsstatistik des Ibero-Amerikanischen Instituts, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz; Hausarbeit zur Prüfung für den höheren Bibliotheksdienst. Köln, 1995

75 Jahre Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Berlin, 2005 (auch spanische Fassung)

Gudrun Schumacher and Gregor Wolff: Nachlässe, Manuskripte und Autographen im Besitz des IAI. (Berlin, 2004)

Sandra Carreras: "Die Quesada-Bibliothek kommt nach Berlin : zu den Hintergründen einer Schenkung" in: Sandra Carreras/Günther Maihold (eds.): Preußen und Lateinamerika: im Spannungsfeld von Kommerz, Macht und Kultur. (Münster, 2004) p. 305–320

Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut IAI, in German

in the 20th Century Press Archives of the ZBW

Clippings about Ibero-American Institute