
Define the set on which and have the same Taylor expansion:

We'll show is nonempty, open, and closed. Then by connectedness of , must be all of , which implies on .

By the lemma, in a disk centered at in , they have the same Taylor series at , so , is nonempty.

As and are holomorphic on , , the Taylor series of and at have non-zero radius of convergence. Therefore, the open disk also lies in for some . So is open.

By holomorphy of and , they have holomorphic derivatives, so all are continuous. This means that is closed for all . is an intersection of closed sets, so it's closed.

Analytic continuation

Identity theorem for Riemann surfaces

Ablowitz, Mark J.; Fokas A. S. (1997). Complex variables: Introduction and applications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 122.  0-521-48058-2.