Katana VentraIP

Illinois Attorney General

The Illinois attorney general is the highest legal officer of the state of Illinois in the United States. Originally an appointed office, it is now an office filled by statewide election. Based in Chicago and Springfield, the attorney general is responsible for providing legal counsel for the various state agencies including the governor of Illinois and Illinois General Assembly, as well as conducting all legal affairs pertaining to the state.

Attorney General of Illinois

4 years

December 3, 1818


The office of Illinois Attorney General was established on December 3, 1818, based on guidelines adopted by a state constitutional convention. The attorney general is second (behind the lieutenant governor) in the line of succession to the office of Governor of Illinois.[1][2] The first person to fulfill the duties of the office was Daniel Pope Cook who only served eleven days, and was later elected to the United States Congress. Cook County was named in his honor.

The current holder of the office is Kwame Raoul.

Represent the people of Illinois before the where the state or the people of the state are interested parties

Supreme Court

Prosecute all proceedings and actions in favor of the state

Defend state officers acting in their official capacities in any actions or proceedings against them

Consult with and advise the

state's attorneys

Investigate violations of all statutes that the attorney general has a duty to enforce

Advise the governor and other state officers, and give written opinions on legal or constitutional matters when requested

Give written opinions to the or any of its committees when requested

General Assembly

Prepare drafts of contracts in which the state is interested

Attend, present evidence to, and prosecute indictments by the statewide

grand jury

Ensure the proper allocation of funds appropriated to public institutions, and prosecute breaches of trust

Under the Constitution of Illinois, the attorney general is the state's chief legal officer, and has the powers and duties prescribed by law. The attorney general's duties include advocating for the people of Illinois, working with the General Assembly to push for new legislation, and litigating to ensure that state laws are followed.[3] The state's attorney general Act specifies several duties, including:[4]

The attorney general also oversees the Public Access Counselor, which is responsible for enforcing the state's Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act.

List of law enforcement agencies in Illinois

official website

Illinois Attorney General

articles at ABA Journal

Illinois Attorney General

at FindLaw

News and Commentary

at Law.Justia.com

Illinois Compiled Statutes

at FindLaw

U.S. Supreme Court Opinions - "Cases with title containing: State of Illinois"

Illinois State Bar Association

at National Association of Attorneys General

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan profile

at Illinois Attorney General

Press releases