Katana VentraIP

Independent Evangelical-Lutheran Church

The Independent Evangelical-Lutheran Church (German: Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche, abbreviated SELK) is a confessional Lutheran church body of Germany. It is a member of the European Lutheran Conference and of the International Lutheran Council (ILC) (of which the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod of North America is also a member). The SELK has about 33,000 members in 174 congregations.[1] The seat of SELK is in Hanover.

Independent Evangelical-Lutheran Church




25. June 1972,
(Old Lutherans 1830)

Prussian Lutheran Church

Evangelical Lutheran Church in Prussia and other independent West German Lutheran churches (1972)

Evangelical-Lutheran (Old-Lutheran) Church of East Germany (1991)



111 Pastors[1]

German: Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche


Apostles' Creed


Nicene Creed


Athanasian Creed

The (1530)

Augsburg Confession


Apology of the Augsburg Confession


Smalcald Articles

The of Dr. Martin Luther

Small Catechism

The of Dr. Martin Luther

Large Catechism


Formula of Concord

The bishop of the SELK is elected by the synod. The current bishop is Hans-Jörg Voigt. The main office of the SELK is in Hannover and is managed by the executive dean Michael Schätzel. The SELK is divided in four main districts, with a provost heading each one. These four districts are divided again in sub-districts, each in turn led by a superintendent.

1972–1985: Most Reverend Bishop Dr. theol. , LL.D.

Gerhard Rost

1985–1997: Most Reverend Bishop Dr. theol. , D.D.

Jobst Schöne

1997–2006: Most Reverend Bishop Dr. theol.

Diethardt Roth

2006–present: Most Reverend Bishop , D.D.

Hans-Jörg Voigt

Church institutions[edit]


The mission outreach of SELK is led by its mission society in Bleckmar in Lower Saxony near Celle, called Lutherische Kirchenmission (Bleckmarer Mission) e. V. It has missionaries and projects in South-Africa, Botswana, Germany, and Brazil.


The theological seminary is in Oberursel, near Frankurt/Main. All SELK pastors take part of their studies there. The professors are pastors of SELK. The seminary is accredited by the German state.

Other church institutions[edit]

For different aspects of church life the SELK has a number of other institutions, such as an institution for youth, church music, worship service for children, a liturgy commission, and a commission for church education.

Relationship with other church bodies[edit]


The SELK has full communion and fellowship with several Lutheran churches that have the same teaching and Lutheran doctrine, for example:

Prussian Union of churches

Old Lutherans

(in German)

Official website





























