Katana VentraIP


The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a numeric commercial book identifier that is intended to be unique.[a][b] Publishers purchase or receive ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency.[2]

Not to be confused with ISSN.



International ISBN Agency

1970 (1970)[1]

13 (formerly 10)

Weighted sum


An ISBN is assigned to each separate edition and variation (except reprintings) of a publication. For example, an e-book, a paperback and a hardcover edition of the same book must each have a different ISBN. The ISBN is ten digits long if assigned before 2007, and thirteen digits long if assigned on or after 1 January 2007.[c] The method of assigning an ISBN is nation-specific and varies between countries, often depending on how large the publishing industry is within a country.

The initial ISBN identification format was devised in 1967, based upon the 9-digit Standard Book Numbering (SBN) created in 1966. The 10-digit ISBN format was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and was published in 1970 as international standard ISO 2108 (the 9-digit SBN code can be converted to a 10-digit ISBN by prefixing it with a zero).

Privately published books sometimes appear without an ISBN. The International ISBN Agency sometimes assigns such books ISBNs on its own initiative.[4]

Another identifier, the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN), identifies periodical publications such as magazines and newspapers. The International Standard Music Number (ISMN) covers musical scores.

Australia – Thorpe-Bowker[21]


Brazil – The ;[22] (Up to 28 February 2020)[23]

National Library of Brazil

Brazil – Câmara Brasileira do Livro (From 1 March 2020)[23]


Canada – English , a government agency; French Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec;

Library and Archives Canada

Colombia – Cámara Colombiana del Libro, an NGO

Hong Kong – Books Registration Office (BRO), under the [25]

Hong Kong Public Libraries

Iceland – Landsbókasafn ()

National and University Library of Iceland

India – The (Book Promotion and Copyright Division), under Department of Higher Education, a constituent of the Ministry of Human Resource Development[26]

Raja Rammohun Roy National Agency for ISBN

Israel – The Israel Center for Libraries


Italy – EDISER srl, owned by Associazione Italiana Editori (Italian Publishers Association)[29]


Kenya –

National Library of Kenya

Lebanon –

Lebanese ISBN Agency

Maldives – The

National Bureau of Classification (NBC)

Malta – The (Maltese: Il-Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb)[30][31][32]

National Book Council

Morocco – The National Library of Morocco

New Zealand – The [33]

National Library of New Zealand

Nigeria –

National Library of Nigeria

Pakistan –

National Library of Pakistan

Philippines – [34]

National Library of the Philippines

South Africa –

National Library of South Africa

Spain –

Spanish ISBN Agency – Agencia del ISBN

Turkey – General Directorate of Libraries and Publications, a branch of the [35]

Ministry of Culture

United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland – Nielsen Book Services Ltd, part of N.V.[36]

Nielsen Holdings

United States – [6][37]

R. R. Bowker

EAN format used in barcodes, and upgrading

The barcodes on a book's back cover (or inside a mass-market paperback book's front cover) are EAN-13; they may have a separate barcode encoding five digits called an EAN-5 for the currency and the recommended retail price.[54] For 10-digit ISBNs, the number "978", the Bookland "country code", is prefixed to the ISBN in the barcode data, and the check digit is recalculated according to the EAN-13 formula (modulo 10, 1× and 3× weighting on alternating digits).

Partly because of an expected shortage in certain ISBN categories, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) decided to migrate to a 13-digit ISBN (ISBN-13). The process began on 1 January 2005 and was planned to conclude on 1 January 2007.[55] As of 2011, all the 13-digit ISBNs began with 978. As the 978 ISBN supply is exhausted, the 979 prefix was introduced. Part of the 979 prefix is reserved for use with the Musicland code for musical scores with an ISMN. The 10-digit ISMN codes differed visually as they began with an "M" letter; the bar code represents the "M" as a zero, and for checksum purposes it counted as a 3. All ISMNs are now thirteen digits commencing 979-0; 979-1 to 979-9 will be used by ISBN.

Publisher identification code numbers are unlikely to be the same in the 978 and 979 ISBNs, likewise, there is no guarantee that language area code numbers will be the same. Moreover, the 10-digit ISBN check digit generally is not the same as the 13-digit ISBN check digit. Because the GTIN-13 is part of the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) system (that includes the GTIN-14, the GTIN-12, and the GTIN-8), the 13-digit ISBN falls within the 14-digit data field range.[56]

Barcode format compatibility is maintained, because (aside from the group breaks) the ISBN-13 barcode format is identical to the EAN barcode format of existing 10-digit ISBNs. So, migration to an EAN-based system allows booksellers the use of a single numbering system for both books and non-book products that is compatible with existing ISBN based data, with only minimal changes to information technology systems. Hence, many booksellers (e.g., Barnes & Noble) migrated to EAN barcodes as early as March 2005. Although many American and Canadian booksellers were able to read EAN-13 barcodes before 2005, most general retailers could not read them. The upgrading of the UPC barcode system to full EAN-13, in 2005, eased migration to the ISBN in North America.

(Amazon Standard Identification Number)


(Book Item and Component Identifier)


 – a Wikipedia resource that allows search by ISBNs

Book sources search

(serial publication identifier currently used by libraries; replaced by the ISSN for new works)


(Digital Object Identifier)


(English Short Title Catalogue)


(International Standard Audiovisual Number)


(International Standard Recording Code)


(International Standard Text Code)


(International Standard Musical Work Code)


(International Standard Wine Number)


(Library of Congress Control Number)


(Book identification system used between 1951 and 1990 in the former GDR)

License number (East German books)

List of group-0 ISBN publisher codes

List of group-1 ISBN publisher codes

List of ISBN registration groups

(Serial Item and Contribution Identifier)


(Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts, "Bibliography of Books Printed in the German Speaking Countries of the Sixteenth Century")

VD 16

(Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachraum erschienenen Drucke des 17. Jahrhunderts, "Bibliography of Books Printed in the German Speaking Countries of the Seventeenth Century")

VD 17

ISO 2108:2017 – International Standard Book Number (ISBN)

International ISBN Agency

Numerical List of Group Identifiers

(PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 12 September 2004

"Guidelines for the Implementation of 13-Digit ISBNs"

 3187 – Using International Standard Book Numbers as Uniform Resource Names (URN)


Tool to convert ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 and to have the ISBN divided into sectors (Hyphenate ISBNs)